Tuesday 17 July 2012

Why is there swelling with Diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a complication of diabetes, also contributed to the main reason of uremia, diabetic nephropathy why there will be swelling?
The root causes of edema of diabetic nephropathy - renal ischemia and hypoxia
Diabetes chronic hyperglycemia blood viscosity at the same time cause renal blood flow slowed down, would be inflicting a corresponding injury when blood flow through the glomerular capillary and the first to suffer the glomerular capillary endothelial cells, increased blood viscosity would make part of the blood perfusion
In the vascular wall, increased pressure on endothelial cells, leading to its filtration pores increases, that is, increased permeability, increased permeability, so that should not be filtered out of the leakage of substances, including red blood cells, protein, while the plasma part of the moisture will penetrate into the tissue space, and pave the way for the swelling.
Consequences of ischemia and hypoxia - edema
Human kidney ischemia and hypoxia is not ignored, the main reaction is to make a stress response and secretion of renin. With the ongoing ischemia and hypoxia, the secretion of renin is more and more, the renin - angiotensin will lead to the adrenal cortex to increase aldosterone secretion,
Aldosterone's main role is to promote the tubules of the distal convoluted renal tubular reabsorption of sodium and aldosterone increase will cause an increase in sodium absorption, and ultimately lead to a lot of water and sodium retention, the external manifestations of the body, compared with edema.

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