Thursday 12 July 2012

How to treat IgA nephropathy with hematuria

IgA nephropathy can be much longer life, mesangial matrix, thus the name. Above the incidence of IgA nephropathy is the pathological findings, renal biopsy can be diagnosed with IgA glomerulonephritis. IgA nephritis is more common in children and young people under the age of 30 IgA nephritis patients of the total incidence of 80%, and female ratio was 2:1.
IgA nephropathy is the most obvious clinical symptoms is the gap repeated episodes of hematuria, the so-called hematuria is the abnormal red blood cells in urine increased.IgA in patients with hematuria are generally divided into two (1) gross hematuria, a large number of red blood cells mixed with the urine, the urine was bright red meat or wash water samples, one can identify (2) microscopic hematuria, the naked eye can not be observed in the urine blood, but found that red blood cells under a powerful microscope.Case of renal pathological damage of the local microcirculation, leading to renal ischemia and hypoxia, and thus damage the kidney tissue, then the original function of the glomerular filtration membrane destruction, the permeability of the glomerular filtration membrane increased, the original can not be filtered red blood cell filtration, the hematuria.
In exploring the treatment of IgA nephropathy hematuria does not deny the effect of Western medicine, soon to play a drug effect, temporarily suppress the progress of the disease is its advantage, but it can no longer simply rely on Western medicine treatment.The clinical observation of western medicine, hematuria negative for IgA patients in the face of cold, after infection, the disease is easy to repeat, that is, we often say "temporary solution". The hematuria therapeutic focus needs to pursue the cause of reasonable differentiation mentioned above hematuria produce pathological damage of kidney tissue, argumentative renal fibrosis progression, hematuria, if left unchecked control also kidney fibrosis progression a major incentive to adopt a multi-target treatment for this  Kidney hospital for treatment of IgA nephropathy hematuria, infiltration therapy with multiple immunosuppressive agents combined micro-Chinese medicine treatment, western medicine penetrate the micro-based traditional Chinese medicine therapies to provide a strong body environment, organic combination of tackling the problem, repair kidneys damaged tissue, restoring kidney function to prevent the progress of renal fibrosis. A clinical practice survey found that more than about 90% of patients with IgA nephropathy after consolidation therapy achieved a good therapeutic effect, and the small risk of recurrence within 2 years hematuria negative.

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