Thursday 12 July 2012

Dialysis treatment can relieve uremia

Uremia, because the kidney has been seriously damaged, the body of toxic substances and water can not be normal excreted. The dialysis treatment is a accumulation of toxic substances in the body and water excreted through the semipermeable membrane, dialysis treatment can alleviate the condition of the patients with uremia. That effective dialysis treatment of uremic it?
Dialysis treatment can quickly reduce serum creatinine, alleviate the uremic condition, but the clinically proven treatment, it is only a only a temporary solution. Once dialysis, must be life-long dialysis have been down, or serum creatinine and other indicators will continue to rise, the body of toxic substances will continue to pile up. And the long-term dialysis because of kidney long-term disuse atrophy necrosis only in patients with uremia, such as headache, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, myoclonus, tremor, loss of orientation, drowsiness, epileptiform grand mal seizures, coma and other complications, the worst case, can also lead to death in patients with uremia.
Dialysis treatment can relieve uremic it? Dialysis treatment can alleviate the condition of the uremic patients, but only temporary, but also to patients with uremia ruthless and more side effects, and therefore not recommended in uremic patients with dialysis treatment. Here for recommended treatment for a non-toxic side effects of treating the symptoms and root of the problem.
This treatment is a group of experts led by the Chinese doctors forum experts, developed through years of clinical practice, is the latest breakthrough in the field of uremia treatment. Characteristics of the pure traditional Chinese medicine therapy, "therapy is toxic side effects of treating the symptoms and root of the problem of a different dialysis therapies. As long as the patient's creatinine is below 1300umol / L, 24-hour urine volume of more than 1200ml, dialysis is not more than 10 times this within the scope of this therapy in uremic patients without dialysis can be completely cured uremia, but beyond this this therapy also cured.

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