Thursday 16 August 2012

Side Effects of Kidney Dialysis

Once the patient has decided to undergo dialysis, there are several side effects that he/she will have to live through. Since the life expectancy is not much more than 5 years, the patient will have to live with these side effects for a long time. So the decision becomes even harder to make. Here are some of the common side effects that the patient will have to live with.
Diseases like Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
Various infections at the access point
Bleeding from the access point
Nausea, headaches and cramps
Low blood pressure
Loss of nutrition
The risk of these side effects is very real, and this is something that the patient will have to live with. Sooner or later, the body will be unable to deal with all these added pressures, and it will succumb to the disorder.
Prognosis shows that there are some cases where patients can even survive for up to 25 years on treatment. The quality of life is diminished here, but this should be of secondary importance. With the right support and the right attitude, the predictions can be proven wrong by anyone.

Serum creatinine is not normal is what causes?

Creatinine is an important indicator of renal function is good or bad judgment, when the body creatinine is elevated, it means that the kidney has damaged the larger the creatinine increase the need for active and timely treatment, so as not to lead to disastrous consequences. Click Consulting serum creatinine is not normal is what causes?
Normal standards for creatinine :44-133umol / L, the creatinine exceed 120umol / L above the normal level, to a large extent means that larger damage to the kidneys, have renal insufficiency, renal failure, uremia.
Creatinine What is it? Creatinine is normal what is it? Abnormal creatinine how to treatment?
Creatinine, a lot of people do not understand when the creatinine is often written as "muscle liver, and even the" backbone ". Endogenous serum creatinine is a product of the metabolism of human muscle. In muscle, creatine is mainly by the irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction slowly formed creatinine, and then released into the bloodstream, with the urinary excretion. Therefore, serum creatinine and total body muscle are closely related, less susceptible to dietary influence. Creatinine small molecules can be filtered through the kidney ball very little absorption in the renal tubules, creatinine the body produces daily, almost all with the urine, are generally not subject to the urine output impact. Clinical detection of serum creatinine is one of the main methods for common understanding of renal function.
Creatinine is not normal to be how it treated? Serum creatinine can be a more accurate response to renal parenchymal damage is not a sensitive indicator. Glomerular filtration rate decreased to the normal 1 / 3:00, serum creatinine was increased significantly. Means that, because the ability of human kidney metabolism, the general feeling of discomfort is not obvious when the kidney damage is light, so many people when the real nausea, vomiting, dizziness, in fact, the kidney has been injury is serious, this time serum creatinine also significantly increased by .
Creatinine values ​​of more than 707umol / L, uremia, the serum creatinine savings in the human body cause great harm to the human body, often the symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and can not lie flat at night, then the most sensible choice is to take timely and appropriate dialysis, the toxins from the body will be excreted, and then in a timely manner to select the appropriate renal treatment, repair damaged kidney function, and ultimately to stop dialysis.

What could have caused a rapid increase in serum creatinine?

High  creatinine because the reasons which caused serum creatinine increased a number of factors does not make sense, if for different reasons of creatinine increased, the method used is the same as the effects of treatment may not be so ideal, so be sure how to clear creatinine is elevated? To reduce creatinine.
First: To know what is creatinine, serum creatinine increased because what? Generally referred to in the clinic are considered endogenous creatinine, endogenous creatinine is a product of the metabolism of human muscle. In muscle, creatine is mainly by the irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction slowly formed creatinine, and then released into the bloodstream, with the urinary excretion. Creatinine small molecules, very little absorption by glomerular filtration in the renal tubules, creatinine, daily body produces almost all of the urine, usually from urine affect. Serum creatinine and total body muscle are closely related, less susceptible to dietary influence. Clinical detection of serum creatinine is one of the main methods for common understanding of renal function. What are the causes of high creatinine ?
What are the reasons for the rapid increase of serum creatinine? Should be treated?
1, patients with existing renal insufficiency, such as co-infection, including colds, pneumonia, intestinal infections, urinary tract infections such as elevated serum creatinine in the short term.
2, the dehydration of the body, such as fever, sweating, reduced water intake, polyuria of the blood concentration, the reduction in renal blood flow, elevated serum creatinine.
The original kidney disease patients, the use of kidney damage drugs can appear elevated serum creatinine, even irreversible.
4, the original kidney disease, relapse, oliguria, or anuria can be combined acute renal failure, elevated serum creatinine.
5 life, exertion, resting well, the details of life do not pay attention, elevated serum creatinine.
Existing hypertension, blood pressure not controlled, long-term, medium and massive proteinuria (24 hours total urine protein greater than 1 g or 1.5 g), can be slow, unconsciously elevated serum creatinine.
Immunotherapy is a purely Chinese characteristics therapy regulate systemic immune function, repair of the glomerular basement membrane, the active ingredients of drugs through the acupuncture point infiltration spread to patients with kidney through the kidney, for active blood circulation, Jiangzhuo detoxification pathway, clear the kidneys, the activation of renal function for the purpose. Promote and improve the renal microcirculation has been shrinking necrosis, and accelerated lesion kidney metabolism, so that the active ingredients in drugs to fully play its role, repair damaged glomerulus, enhanced glomerular reabsorption, restoring the kidneys of normal physiological functions, so that the blood creatinine, blood urea nitrogen decreased to normal.

IGA nephropathy patients to dialysis treatment

Dialysis treatment iga nephropathy do? Dialysis iga nephropathy patients have good side effects of those hazards? How to prevent the iga kidney disease toward uremia? IgA nephropathy dialysis treatment can be cured? Any kidney disease including patients with IgA nephropathy developed to renal failure, uremia, dialysis patients with kidney disease must go through a stage. Here are the dialysis iga nephropathy.
IgA nephropathy dialysis can be cured? Dialysis what?
The kidney is one of the vital organs to maintain the body of environmental solid. After the generation and discharge of urine can metabolic end products excreted conditioning extracellular fluid volume and plasma osmolality to maintain acid-base balance. In addition, the conditioning of endocrine function.
IgA nephropathy in dialysis treatment can cure? Dialysis to remove what harmless thing? Dialysis therapy, the use of a certain concentration of electrolyte and glucose composition of dialysis fluid and blood accumulation of metabolites in accordance with the principle of semi-permeable membrane "membrane equilibrium", water and electrolytes in the implementation of the penetration of exchange, through:
Remove a product of protein metabolism: the blood of uremic sputum (BUN), creatinine (Creatine), uric acid.
(2) to maintain blood electrolytes in the concentration of a peace.
(3) remove the metabolic process in the acid.
(4) Remove the accumulation of excessive body water. In order to reach a timely manner to these toxins from your body, play a role in moving rapidly alleviate the symptoms, acidosis, heart failure and other symptoms can play a faster conditioning. Change renal failure, uremic patients accumulate high toxin form.
Dialysis iga nephropathy can only be a temporary replacement of a kidney detoxification, play a role in human detoxification and alleviate the pressure of kidney and renal cell can not be repaired due to impaired kidney inherent structure changes. Moreover, the frequent dialysis will also make the original surviving in a little cell function impairment, with dialysis and the gradual loss of function. Therefore, in order to reverse the acidosis, body fluid balance disorders, and rescue of renal failure in uremic patients, it is necessary for the application of good dialysis this opportunity to mitigate the symptoms of poisoning of the body, basically repair the damaged cells of the kidney function, so restore metabolic functions. The only way to slow down or reverse the development of renal fibrosis, kidney restore its metabolic function.
iga nephropathy in patients with dialysis can not achieve the purpose of treatment. Department of Nephrology, experts recommend starting from the fundamental repair students new three to gain time and to eliminate prejudice to the therapy. Normal physiological functions, so that you can restore the kidney is the only way to basically repair the damaged parts of the kidney, to reach the reversal of renal fibrosis. Renal failure and uremia useful reversal dialysis spacing can be gradually stretched even delay dialysis for kidney patients.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Renal failure is to choose dialysis or a kidney transplant?

Dialysis is through the filter to selectively exclude certain substances in the blood. In other words, by artificial means the toxic waste, water and salt accumulation in the body in patients with renal failure drain, so that the physical condition of the patient's recovery or reach a healthy state. There are two currently used forms of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Hemodialysis using a special machine to replace kidney function. Peritoneal dialysis the peritoneum of the human body acts as a filter and remove toxins. Either dialysis modality, can only temporarily exercise the functions of the kidneys, the body of toxins excreted temporarily saved the lives of patients. Not have a fundamental role for the treatment of impaired kidney repair, we can not effectively block the process of renal fibrosis. Final condition will worsen, but a matter of time. So dialysis is a "means" temporarily "relieve patient suffering.
Kidney transplant is surgery, organ donor kidney transplantation to the process of receiving a transplant patient's body. The possible sources of the kidney: family, spouse, close friend or brain death and during his lifetime to sign an agreement to donate organs. Of course, the best match of the kidney is usually from the transplant recipient brothers and sisters, because their genes with the most likely. Kidney transplantation is the treatment of kidney failure, the best way, because the kidney transplanted into the patient's body is almost completely replaced by
Kidney function and renal failure and allow patients to resume a normal life, get rid of the pain of life by dialysis. Unfortunately, not every renal failure patients have the opportunity to receive a kidney transplant. Because it is difficult to find a suitable replacement kidney.
Kidney transplantation is the best treatment for the treatment of end-stage uremia, compared with hemodialysis, it has the following advantages:
A, serum creatinine recovery or near normal levels, which significantly improved a range of symptoms in chronic uremia, nausea, itching, pericarditis;
Second, to avoid loss of nutrients caused by hemodialysis; and correct anemia, improve sexual function, making the patient physically be restored;
Restoration of social activities and work, increased movement and travel, and improve quality of life;
Fourth, from the overall macro perspective, can be reduced in patients with medical spending, greatly prolong life.
you can see Dialysis Have Shortness of Breath

Hemodialysis in diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy dialysis care is like? First of all, we should simply look at diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic nephropathy is due to hardening of the arteries, poor flexibility, more difficult to establish hemodialysis access road, easy bleeding of the puncture point, the lack of blood flow, usually with deep vein indwelling double lumen catheter dialysis, the better. For the care of diabetic nephropathy on hemodialysis details are as follows:
1, observe local or without edema, touch vascular tremor, listen to the vascular murmur, abnormal timely report to physicians.
Fistula only dialysis of dialysis care: the use of prohibited transfusion, blood, blood pressure, heavy lifting, the end of dialysis 24h after the puncture with a hot towel wet compress, strengthen the exercise of arm function, so that the filling of blood vessels to dilate .
3, the end of dialysis care: Due to the high pressure of arterial blood vessel, the end of dialysis, when handled properly, hematoma, a direct impact on the next dialysis and vascular fistula life. Completion of dialysis, the pin was removed quickly with sterile gauze press the proper compression of the time and pressure to the blood only after, cover with sterile gauze, tape can be fixed.
4. Dialysis to prevent thrombus formation, is also an important factor in further trigger coagulation.
5, strict aseptic technique, to improve the success rate of puncture. Early fistula infection and surgery related to post-infection is often associated with the contamination of the puncture site. Fistula infection make the loss of function, severe cases lead to sepsis, dialysis major cause of death, to be dealt with immediately. Vascular puncture requirements sharply, rope ladder method puncture to reduce the scar of skin and blood vessel wall, vascular occlusion and fewer opportunities.
6, pay attention to observe the surgical site blood flow is smooth, the bandage dressing is too tight, the timely replacement of the dressing, the elevation of the surgical limb, to prevent the occurrence of peripheral edema. 6 to 8 weeks after fistula surgery until the venous blood vessels to dilate, wall thickening before; premature use often shorten fistula life.
you can visit "diabetic with high creatinine without dialysis "

Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Failure in Women

Kidney disease is a condition that can affect men and women of all ages, though it is most prominent in individuals over the age of 60 who suffer from diabetes or hypertension. Individuals with chronic kidney disease typically exhibit a number of telling physicalsymptoms, such as trouble urinating and lower back pain. Many people experience fatigue, nausea, and problems with sleeping and concentration. An individual who experiences anysymptoms of kidney disease should seek medical attention right away. A doctor can conduct a proper diagnosis and recommend the most appropriate long-term treatment plan.
Some symptoms of chronic renal failure in women are more obvious than others. These are:
Initially, there may be no symptoms of kidney failure. Over time, though, symptoms appear due to the build-up of waste products and toxins in the body and the inability of the kidneys to remove potassium from the bloodstream. The diagnosis of kidney failure usually is made by blood tests.
1.Changes in Urination
Kidneys make urine, so when the kidneys are failing, the urine may change.
2.Swelling/ Edema
Failing kidneys don't remove extra fluid, which builds up in your body causing swelling in the legs, ankles, feet, face, and/or hands.
3: Fatigue
Healthy kidneys make a hormone called erythropoietin (a-rith'-ro-po'-uh-tin), or EPO, that tells your body to make oxygen-carrying red blood cells. As the kidneys fail, they make less EPO. With fewer red blood cells to carry oxygen, your muscles and brain tire very quickly. This is anemia, and it can be treated.
4: Skin Rash/Itching
Kidneys remove wastes from the bloodstream. When the kidneys fail, the build-up of wastes in your blood can cause severe itching.
5: Metallic Taste in Mouth/Ammonia Breath
A build-up of wastes in the blood (called uremia) can make food taste different and cause bad breath. You may also notice that you stop liking to eat meat, or that you are losing weight because you just don't feel like eating.
7: Shortness of Breath
Trouble catching your breath can be related to the kidneys in two ways. First, extra fluid in the body can build up in the lungs. And second, anemia (a shortage of oxygen-carrying red blood cells) can leave your body oxygen-starved and short of breath.
8: Feeling Cold
Anemia can make you feel cold all the time, even in a warm room.
9: Leg/Flank Pain
The most common causes of CKD do not cause any pain. And, much of the pain that is near the kidneys isnot caused by a kidney problem. But some people who have CKD do have pain.
Some people with kidney problems may have pain in the upper back (where the kidneys are) or on the same side as the affected kidney.
you can visit how to treat chronic kidney disease

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Nuring Care of Dialysis

First, the complications of care
The incidence of complications in hemodialysis rapidly and endangering the lives of uremic patients, nurses have keen powers of observation, eye acute grassland, calm and, if found, inform the doctor in a timely manner to deal decisively with.
(1) low blood pressure: The most common incidence of 50% to 70%. Refers to the mean arterial blood pressure decreased than before dialysis 30mmHg or systolic blood pressure dropped to 90mmHg following. Uremic patients showed a cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, pale, breathing difficulties, rapid heartbeat, severe cases, loss of consciousness or even coma, immediately stop ultrafiltration, slow down blood flow, before opening the pump tube small folder, close the arterial tube folder, infusion of saline 100 ~ 200ml.
Disequilibrium syndrome: the performance of headache, nausea, vomiting, irritability, muscle cramps, high blood pressure severe cases, convulsions, stiff, coma or even death. Found, according to the doctor's advice infusion of hypertonic saline 40ml or 50% glucose 40 ~ 60ml (diabetes disabled).
Muscle spasm, the elderly, more common, the gastrocnemius multiple, spasmodic pain, local massage, hot packs, if necessary, infusion of hypertonic saline or hypertonic sugar. In non-diabetic patients, the preferred hypertonic sugar.
Second, dialysis care
(1) Measurement of body weight is estimated dialysis effect.
2 bed observation shall not leave the dialysis room, to inform doctors handle smooth and then go low blood pressure of patients with uremia.
Puncture site hemostasis strength is moderate, press 10 ~~ 15min.
Control of intake in uremic patients, to prevent excessive weight gain, diet containing adequate protein and calories, high quality protein-based, such as eggs, milk, lean meat, fish, control of potassium, phosphorus camera, into vitamin supplements .

Can Hemodialysis have headache

Has reached a serious condition, uremia (uraemia) end-stage, you need to rely on dialysis to reduce the inosine, which includes hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Well-known experts in hemodialysis guest () to explain such "hemodialysis hemodialysis diet, treatment knowledge. Detailed "dialysis headache" Here.
Hemodialysis headache recommended: patients with chronic renal failure and hemodialysis diet guide hemodialysis whether the cost of traditional Chinese medicine hemodialysis cycle hemodialysis price hemodialysis hemodialysis dangerous
And more on the healing of uremia (uraemia), clinical hemodialysis and kidney transplants heal. Hemodialysis headache. Hemodialysis is the quick and effective measures to reduce serum potassium.
Hemodialysis headache, headache dialysis.爱西特爱西特 renal failure in patients with clinical drugs commonly used one, also known as a medicinal charcoal capsule can effectively reduce serum creatinine (Scr) were the majority of patients with renal failure, all ages. The composition point of view, Ai Xite polymer carbides, mainly for treatment of chronic nephritis, acute and chronic renal failure, hemodialysis, hyperuricemia, gout psychosis. Ai Xite has a rich and developed gaps, specific surface area up to more than 1200 square meters per gram, in the gastrointestinal tract to the rapid adsorption of serum creatinine (Scr), uric acid and other harmful substances, can reduce the burden of detoxification of the kidneys, thereby delaying renal failure the progress of the process. Ai Xite can in a short period of time to improve symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, suffocation; the addition Ai Xite tablets enema healing, for emergency treatment of severe renal failure patients.
Hemodialysis headache. Uremia in the end can treat you? Western treatment of uremia, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation for treatment. Symptomatic treatment of the symptoms of patients with uremia. Such as: uremic patients with mild nausea, vomiting and diet therapy to reduce serious people are available to metoclopramide 5 ~ 10mg orally three times daily or intramuscular injection; or chlorpromazine 15 ~ 25mg, 3 times daily, orally or intramuscular injection. Take a kidney transplantation in the treatment of uremia, the success rate is not too high, and the rejection phenomena were unable to solve the fundamental, coupled with the high cost often makes patients prohibitive. If you simply wait passively for the simple dialysis will result in loss treatment in patients with confidence, hemodialysis will be more and more frequently, in order to get rid of it is almost impossible in the traditional Western medicine, which can cause lifelong reliance on the consequences. Often in patients with uremia, hemodialysis, first ideologically defeated under Chen, depression, mechanically, to wait for the next hemodialysis not only costly but suffered a puncture pain and suffering, so that patients lost to life and life confidence, it seems that he is waiting for death to come, extreme fear of uremic

Monday 23 July 2012

Diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a complication of diabetes, also contributed to the main reason of uremia, diabetic nephropathy why there will be swelling?
The root causes of edema of diabetic nephropathy - renal ischemia and hypoxia
Diabetes chronic hyperglycemia blood viscosity at the same time cause renal blood flow slowed down, would be inflicting a corresponding injury when blood flow through the glomerular capillary and the first to suffer the glomerular capillary endothelial cells, increased blood viscosity would make part of the blood perfusion
In the vascular wall, increased pressure on endothelial cells, leading to its filtration pores increases, that is, increased permeability, increased permeability, so that should not be filtered out of the leakage of substances, including red blood cells, protein, while the plasma part of the moisture will penetrate into the tissue space, and pave the way for the swelling.
Consequences of ischemia and hypoxia - edema
Human kidney ischemia and hypoxia is not ignored, the main reaction is to make a stress response and secretion of renin. With the ongoing ischemia and hypoxia, the secretion of renin is more and more, the renin - angiotensin will lead to the adrenal cortex to increase aldosterone secretion,
Aldosterone's main role is to promote the tubules of the distal convoluted renal tubular reabsorption of sodium and aldosterone increase will cause an increase in sodium absorption, and ultimately lead to a lot of water and sodium retention, the external manifestations of the body, compared with edema.

How to diet to patients with IgA nephropathy useful it?

Experts say the food spectrum of patients with IgA nephropathy diet with IgA nephropathy, IgA nephropathy the nephropathy stage, especially into the stage of renal insufficiency, the protection of renal function has become a central issue. Eating arrangements, of course should also consider whether the benefits on renal function. So, how diet can in patients with IgA nephropathy useful it? Here we answer this question.
IgA nephropathy in patients with diet:
A high-quality low-protein diet: excessive protein intake can increase the burden on the kidneys, so you want to control the total amount of protein intake. Proteins as important nutrients the body can not do without, especially the essential amino acids the human body can not synthesize from the foreign intake, so containing the necessary amino acids are more high quality protein should be guaranteed. The specific implementation: vegetable protein (including non-essential amino acids, low-quality protein) should be minimized, should generally be a fast soy products, appropriate restrictions on staple foods (flour, rice, vegetable protein also contain a certain amount), be appropriate to add the milk, eggs, fish, lean meat and other animal protein (including essential amino acids, high quality protein). In particular, milk, egg protein is appropriate. In general: the amount of protein intake, reference should be made in patients with serum creatinine levels and endogenous creatinine clearance rate decision. The higher the level of serum creatinine, endogenous creatinine clearance rate, the lower protein intake more stringent control.
Appropriate calorie low-fat diet: IgA nephropathy diet is a low-fat diet to control the total calories, calories complement of IgA nephropathy should be appropriate. Insufficient supply of calories and stored fat, protein degradation, allows kidney function parameters and serum creatinine, urea and other increases. Caloric intake is too high, which does not help blood glucose control. Fat provides more calories, but on the progress of renal failure, it still requires low-fat diet. The specific implementation: General to encourage the food instead of staple food yams, taro and other starch-containing high. May be appropriate to eat noodles, vermicelli, vermicelli, etc., but should pay attention to the less staple food. More so-called wheat starch (Note that different from the ordinary flour) on sale at many supermarkets in big cities, almost no protein. This wheat starch, with mashed potatoes, sweet potato noodles, yam powder, steamed buns, rolls, buns, can add heat without increasing plant protein intake does not increase the burden on the kidneys, the most suitable in patients with IgA nephropathy consumption.
3, high calcium low phosphorus diet: IgA nephropathy renal dysfunction, electrolyte imbalance is common to low calcium high phosphorus, low calcium high phosphorus-induced parathyroid righting the imbalance "there is progress on the renal failure, and so should pay attention to diet calcium phosphorus. It is regrettable that the higher the high calcium foods containing phosphorus, such as ribs, shrimp. Calcium phosphorus diet emphasizes low phosphorus diet. The specific implementation: the fasting animal internal organs such as brain, liver, kidney, eat pumpkin seeds, dried fruit.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Why is there swelling with Diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a complication of diabetes, also contributed to the main reason of uremia, diabetic nephropathy why there will be swelling?
The root causes of edema of diabetic nephropathy - renal ischemia and hypoxia
Diabetes chronic hyperglycemia blood viscosity at the same time cause renal blood flow slowed down, would be inflicting a corresponding injury when blood flow through the glomerular capillary and the first to suffer the glomerular capillary endothelial cells, increased blood viscosity would make part of the blood perfusion
In the vascular wall, increased pressure on endothelial cells, leading to its filtration pores increases, that is, increased permeability, increased permeability, so that should not be filtered out of the leakage of substances, including red blood cells, protein, while the plasma part of the moisture will penetrate into the tissue space, and pave the way for the swelling.
Consequences of ischemia and hypoxia - edema
Human kidney ischemia and hypoxia is not ignored, the main reaction is to make a stress response and secretion of renin. With the ongoing ischemia and hypoxia, the secretion of renin is more and more, the renin - angiotensin will lead to the adrenal cortex to increase aldosterone secretion,
Aldosterone's main role is to promote the tubules of the distal convoluted renal tubular reabsorption of sodium and aldosterone increase will cause an increase in sodium absorption, and ultimately lead to a lot of water and sodium retention, the external manifestations of the body, compared with edema.

Why is there swelling with Diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a complication of diabetes, also contributed to the main reason of uremia, diabetic nephropathy why there will be swelling?
The root causes of edema of diabetic nephropathy - renal ischemia and hypoxia
Diabetes chronic hyperglycemia blood viscosity at the same time cause renal blood flow slowed down, would be inflicting a corresponding injury when blood flow through the glomerular capillary and the first to suffer the glomerular capillary endothelial cells, increased blood viscosity would make part of the blood perfusion
In the vascular wall, increased pressure on endothelial cells, leading to its filtration pores increases, that is, increased permeability, increased permeability, so that should not be filtered out of the leakage of substances, including red blood cells, protein, while the plasma part of the moisture will penetrate into the tissue space, and pave the way for the swelling.
Consequences of ischemia and hypoxia - edema
Human kidney ischemia and hypoxia is not ignored, the main reaction is to make a stress response and secretion of renin. With the ongoing ischemia and hypoxia, the secretion of renin is more and more, the renin - angiotensin will lead to the adrenal cortex to increase aldosterone secretion,
Aldosterone's main role is to promote the tubules of the distal convoluted renal tubular reabsorption of sodium and aldosterone increase will cause an increase in sodium absorption, and ultimately lead to a lot of water and sodium retention, the external manifestations of the body, compared with edema.

How to treat Diabetic nephropathy with high urine protein

For patients with diabetic nephropathy, a more significant feature is the level of urine protein, then, diabetic nephropathy in patients with urinary protein high how to do it?
1, a balanced diet:
Were observed in clinical and experimental studies of dietary protein intake, high protein diet can increase the glomerular blood flow and pressure, increase the hyperglycemia-induced renal hemodynamic changes of patients with urinary protein requirements protein amount of 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight a day, day per kilogram of body weight 0.6 to 0.8 grams of dietary allows it to clinical stage of diabetic nephropathy glomerular filtration rate slowed down, high quality animal protein requirements of patients with urinary protein mainly under the guarantee of insulin may be appropriate to increase carbohydrate intake to ensure that there is enough heat to avoid the increase of protein and fat decomposition increase the burden of renal excretion. In addition, to reduce a variety of high the heat Youzha food and crude protein intake is conducive to the protection of the kidney.
2, the regular monitoring of:
Blood sugar levels with seasonal changes on the environment also fluctuate with the application yao matter of sensitivity, regular monitoring of blood glucose, regular monitoring of urine protein and blood pressure levels is necessary, not monitoring, unknowingly, until high blood sugar and lead to kidney problems away to solve a little too late, some patients in the treatment of early attention, over time, emphasis on the decline, since that service yao normal control, and so delay the timing of treatment. Some patients only laboratory fasting plasma glucose rather than to monitor the postprandial blood glucose, neglect accounted for the day 24 hours 2/3 of the time in the monitoring of postprandial hyperglycemia state. Also missed the part of postprandial hyperglycemia as the main manifestation of early diabetes, once discovered suffering have diabetes, kidney disease patients.

How to treat early diabetic kidney damage

Loud noise early treatment is especially important for diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy, diabetic renal failure is likely to occur if left untreated, affect the safety of their own lives. So, how treatment of early diabetic kidney damage it?
Treatment of early diabetic kidney damage measures:
1, we must first consider to play the role of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Integrative Medicine. The basis of effective blood pressure of Western medicine with traditional Chinese medicine treatment can increase the compliance rate of blood pressure, slowing the progress of renal damage.
Western medicine should be based on different periods of renal damage, a reasonable choice, such as ACE inhibitors should not be in serious renal artery stenosis is not preferable to ACEI. Trace stages of the early application of ACEI and ARB useful.
3, based on our clinical observation, the stage of microalbuminuria and mild creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, increased by only traditional Chinese medicine treatment can make creatinine, blood urea nitrogen decreased.
4, to avoid the use of drugs aggravate renal damage in the use of antimicrobial drugs, the drug should be cautious.
5, adjusting diabetes treatment drug, to reduce the amount of renal injury in hypoglycemic drugs or change poorly controlled with other drugs, oral medication may be considered for treatment with insulin.

Type 2 diabetes polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss and symptoms of treatment of cases

Case Summary: ** Liu, male, aged 42, farmer, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss treatment two months ago.
Condition: no obvious incentive to patients two months ago, food intake gradually increased from the original daily 460g to 570g per day, up to 800g, while the weight has decreased gradually, within 2 months of weight loss for more than 4kg while the mouth thirsty, like drinking plenty of water, the phenomenon of increased urine output. Conditioning with local oral medicine for more than a month, no significant improvement to our hospital for further diagnosis and treatment. Urine normal after the illness, sleep in general.
Past medical history: previously healthy, no history of drug allergy. No special personal history and family history.
Admission examination: T 36 ° C, P 80 / R 18 beats / min, BP 120/80mmHg.
Skin stained yellow, lymph node enlargement, the pupil CP and other round. Thyroid (-), cardiopulmonary (-), flat and soft abdomen, liver and spleen not palpable. Lower limbs edema, and normal tendon reflexes. Babinski sign (-).
Laboratory tests: Hb 120g / L, WBC 7.6 × 109 / L PLT 267 × 109 / L; (-), urine (+ +); fasting blood glucose 10.78mmol / L, urine: urine protein.
The initial diagnosis: type 2 diabetes
The diagnosis is based on: one in the history of a typical drink, eat, polyuria, and weight loss. (2) urine (+ +), fasting plasma glucose> 7.0mmol / L
Differential diagnosis: 1. Hyperthyroidism how food, weight loss, but often afraid of the heat, generally no more drinking. Thyroid checks easily identified. 2 diabetes a rapid onset, severe illness, has emerged ketosis.
Treatment options:
Early intensive treatment quickly stabilize blood sugar.
Conditioning diet, low sugar, low salt, low fat diet, high cellulose.
A timely manner to improve the examination, and symptomatic treatment.
4, given the topical "sugar pancreatic Sport" on the 1st penetration liquid combined oral Downing on the 1st treatment.
Clinic after:
1, the beginning of the patients on admission, fasting blood glucose of up to 10.78mmol / L, ZHANG Ai-rong, director recommended 3 to 4 times a day injections of insulin physiological supply "program of intensive insulin treatment programs in order to quickly stabilize blood sugar:
Speed ​​/ short acting insulin before meals injection + / injection of long-acting insulin at bedtime every day a total of four injections. After three days of insulin intensive treatment, fasting blood glucose control is 7.5mmol / L 6.7mmol / L and postprandial blood glucose decreased.
, Improve the treatment: the patient's blood sugar stable within the normal range, and further eliminate the symptoms of "a little", Zhang developed further treatment options for patients.
First of all, the scientific and rational diet program. In order to guarantee the stability of the patient's blood sugar within the normal range, Zhang recommend patients eat more high fiber foods, eat plenty of vegetables in order to ensure the patient's nutrient supply, Zhang also requested the hospital's nutrition experts to develop three meals a day for patients nutritional diet: Breakfast (1, staple foods: high fiber bread or bread high-fiber lunch two staple food, non-staple food: ① boiled eggs or poached ② The light soy milk, milk or millet gruel Choose one and ③ salad.) (1, staple foods: high fiber rice, high-fiber bread, high fiber noodles or other staple foods high in fiber 2, non-staple food: ① lean meat, fish, chickens, ducks can be selected depending on the circumstances. ② fried vegetables, salad vegetables, soy products etc.) dinner (1 staple food: ① high-fiber bread, high fiber rice, high-fiber staple ② like porridge can be selected according to personal habits millet gruel, mung bean porridge, red bean porridge, non-staple food: ① vegetables , soy products such ② chicken, duck, meat, fish and other personal favorite choice.) night before going to sleep, drink pure milk, a cup, about 300 ml.
More than a scientific and rational diet program is the basis of the treatment of diabetes, glycemic control, so that not only can effectively control blood sugar, but also to meet the nutritional needs of patients with growth and development.
Secondly, do check the care of their daily lives. In order to avoid the complications of diabetic eye disease, diabetic foot, diabetes, skin diseases, Zhang eye examinations for patients on a regular basis, together with the sugar Eye Health nutrition for the prevention of eye disease, bath and traditional Chinese medicine drug for prevention of skin throughout the infection, all times to supervise the movement of patients and the details of clothing, shoes, etc., ask the patient's feeling physically in a timely manner, and effectively avoid the complications of diabetes.
Finally, to Downing a fundamental treatment of the patient's condition, a little more than the symptoms disappeared completely, Zhang, after three days of intensive insulin therapy, together with the hospital characteristics of pharmaceutical topical sugar pancreatic health "on the 1st permeate combined oral on the treatment of sugar pancreatic health "on the 1st permeate 2-3 times a day, respectively, apply to the pancreas and stomach area, penetration through the permeameter to lesions of the pancreas damaged parts of the repair. "Downing" before a meal taking 15 minutes to effectively prevent the postprandial blood glucose fluctuations.
After a week of treatment, the patient's blood sugar stable within the normal range, the amount of insulin 38 units to 15 units after treatment to check the patient's islet function gradually returned to normal, the secretion of insulin and the insulin sensitivity degree to get greatly improved.
A month later to check the patient's pre-dinner 5.6mmol / l, postprandial 7.3mmol / l, check: T: 36.5 ° C Bp 102/73mmHg. The patient's condition improved and stable, superiors and physician approval be granted for discharge.
Case analysis:
Taking a week later, the patient sleep, polydipsia, polyuria symptoms have improved.
Half a course of medication, patients more than three a little "significantly reduce the symptoms.
Taking a course of treatment, the patient's condition is basically stable, the current consolidation therapy.
Medical record analysis: 95% of diabetes is Type II diabetes, Type II diabetes is not necessarily less insulin, but because of the lack of insulin activity or decreased susceptibility to, say, ten sugar molecules in the blood, and islet cell secretion is insulin and sugar molecules, but only five really works (like ten men to work, only five truly did in sleep) which cause insulin binding of sugar molecules together more blood sugar of course. World Health Organization studies have shown that the pH of body fluids for every decrease of 0.1 insulin activity decreased by 30%, and decreased insulin activity will aggravate the condition of diabetes. Diabetes is not terrible, terrible complications of diabetes. Experts to prevent diabetes is first to prevent acidic to prevent diabetes complications to improve your acidic.
Characteristics of hospital treatment therapy through direct input to the human body with a large number of chitin, and human bile acid, lipid anions, acidic organic compounds such as repair damaged islet cells, and to improve the sensitivity of insulin receptors, making the blood acidic environmental conditioning to normal 7.35-7.45, restore function and enzyme activity of insulin in the blood, improve islet function, blood sugar is in a steady state, and effectively prevent the emergence of complications of diabetes.

How to diagnose diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic glomerular sclerosis in diabetes-induced kidney damage, mainly in clinical edema, proteinuria, hypertension, and this case, patients timely treatment, it is likely to be diabetic nephropathy . So, how do we diagnose diabetic nephropathy?
1, the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy depends on kidney damage: the early renal damage mainly to the increase in glomerular filtration rate and microalbuminuria, the last several years. Further, there may be asymptomatic proteinuria began to intermittently later, compared with last. Persistent proteinuria prompted the breadth and severity of renal disease. Severe glomerulosclerosis with massive proteinuria and hypoproteinemia, nephrotic syndrome, often accompanied by hypertension and creatinine clearance rate of decline. More than 90% of patients with diabetic retinopathy.
2, the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy depends on renal manifestations: a typical case how polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss of "a little" symptoms. The light may be asymptomatic. The disease develops slowly, the progression of the disease involving other organs, such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, retinopathy, cataracts, peripheral neuropathy, etc. in addition to involving the renal acceptable.

Dialysis patients with leg cramps, how is it?

 What are the drawbacks dialysis .. The following may be what you're looking
Dialysis benefit of many, but not the most recommended dialysis What are the drawbacks? Dialysis is not effective treatment for uremic patients, the differentiation process in uremic patients, kidney dialysis, there are also some disadvantages at. Although the dialysis can significantly relieve symptoms, can not fully substitute for their own kidney, in vitro plant to replace the healing mode of their own kidneys, causing uremia patients a variety of unforeseen consequences!
Long-term kidney dialysis, uremic patients there will be a series of complications related to the various systems of the body of uremic patients. Kidney dialysis can not solve the kidney's endocrine problems such as anemia, menstrual disorders or amenorrhea and male impotence can not be fully resolved.
Started dialysis treatment, will require long-term dependence on dialysis the continuation of life, it is difficult to get rid of. Time will become longer and longer the further deterioration of the renal disease patients undergoing dialysis, the dialysis interval will be shorter and shorter, the number of kidney dialysis will be more and more, increasingly heavy economic burden.
Dialysis, after all, can not completely replace excretory and regulatory function of the body's own kidneys, is the most common kidney dialysis, hemodialysis, can only remove 12-15% of the body of metabolic wastes and toxins, is far less than the purpose of purifying the blood.

Complications after dialysis.

Uremic nephropathy develop end-stage performance, for the treatment of clinical uremia on the dialysis treatment, dialysis dependence and costs considerations, patients want to know In addition to the use of dialysis treatment, as well as what treatment of uremia? Western medicine for the treatment of uremia, dialysis treatment. The dialysis stage uremic patients should be given to high-quality low-protein diet, on the one hand, to relieve the symptoms of uremia, on the other hand may slow the progressive deterioration of renal function in chronic renal failure. Generally believed that the 0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight daily protein intake can be maintained in patients nitrogen balance. While complementing the essential amino acids, the protein may be restricted to the lower. 65% -75% of protein should be high-quality animal protein, and distributed in three meals a day in foods such as milk, egg protein and wheat starch-based, limiting the proportion of plant protein. . In recent years, precisely because of dialysis and kidney transplant did not meet the patients' needs, so most of the patients with the hope of treatment toward Chinese medicine, the Chinese medicine profession can be completely cured of uremia, is also in this case of kidney disease experts in the study of Chinese medicine put a lot of energy, and has also been strong support for the state health department, after years of hard work, Chinese medicine treatment of uremia technology has been greatly improved. , has formed a unique treatment program. . Dialysis expert Xu Yuanzhang guidance of diet, dialysis dialysis care knowledge. Detailed dialysis complications related content, see this article.
Complications after dialysis. The purpose of treatment is to protect that part of the remaining kidney function, kidney tissue is injured that part of the structure of reversal to normal functional status, dialysis solve the problem is temporary, help the kidneys to the body of toxins from the body, not play a therapeutic the role of the disease, the hospital is a micro of traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy, targeted positioning the role of the kidney area meridians in the damaged kidney tissue, Chinese medicine active substances expansion of the renal artery, to improve the local microcirculation, alleviate renal ischemia hypoxia, blocking the proliferation of glomerular sclerosis, necrosis and fibrosis caused by reducing the composition of the scar, the variety of nutrients needed to repair the kidney, to repair the damage being affected by kidney histopathology, the expansion of the artery of the body to improve the microcirculation of the body, to protect the remaining renal unit from damage, thus saving the remaining
Complications after dialysis. Less oil and low-cholesterol diet: the dialysis often have hyperlipidemia, fat cholesterol diet should be controlled as to prevent aggravating arteriosclerosis
The nephrotic hospital experts recommend: micro-based traditional Chinese medicine, immunoadsorption, transplantation of these three unique hospital characteristics, core treatment technology, created the advantage of hospital treatment. Blocking renal fibrosis and damage, repair damaged tissue structure, reconstruction of renal therapy, complementary advantages, to play their own unique advantages. Coupled with the stability of the existing Chinese and Western medicine in critical condition, to overcome the side effects of immunosuppressants, the hospital successfully treated with a strong guarantee of the three major characteristics of treatment technologies together form the system of hospital treatment, the formation of hospital characteristics modern integrative medicine new treatment modalities. Blocking the process of renal fibrosis, fundamentally improve the kidney's filtration function, gradually get rid of dialysis, and to achieve the purpose of healthy survival in patients with uremia

Dialysis patients can drink tea? Dialysis patients with hypocalcemia good way to treatment?

Concluding hemodialysis side effects in patients with parathyroidectomy (PTX), the clinical manifestations of hypocalcemia and treatment measures.
Back in April 2001 to April 2010 in our hospital in 96 cases of parathyroidectomy regularity dialysis complicated by secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients, male 47 cases, 49 cases of women; average age of 48.5 ± 10.2 ( years); dialysis age of 115 on average 8 ± 48.7 (January). The primary disease: chronic glomerulonephritis and 68 cases, polycystic kidney disease in six cases of renal arteriosclerosis disease in three cases, three cases of chronic renal interstitial disease, systemic lupus erythematosus patients, for unknown reasons 15 cases. Most patients in the dialysis side effects of preoperative calcium concentration of 1.5mmol / L dialysate dialysis, active vitamin D standard treatment. Parathyroidectomy surgery before and after calcium supplementation program: week preoperative oral supplementation with elemental calcium 1.8 g / d and active vitamin D0.5μg / d, in order to prevent the emergence of postoperative hypocalcemia. The majority of surgical parathyroidectomy for parathyroid hysterectomy, followed by a sub-total resection. Patients continue taking 0.9 ~ 3.6 (g / d) of elemental calcium and active vitamin D1 ~ 3 (μg / d); at the same time place the center vein infusion catheter, the rate of elemental calcium 2mg / kg / h of intravenous calcium gluconate; dialysis, dialysate calcium concentration to 1.75 to 2.25 (mmol / L), 1 or 2 times total serum calcium (Ca), postoperative tested daily for a week; during intravenous 10% calcium gluconate 10ml immediately when Ca <1.8 mg / dl or convulsion. When Ca stable at normal levels can be detected 1 to 2 times a week Ca appropriate to reduce or stop the intravenous calcium. Such as Ca is greater than 2.8mmol / L to reduce or disable the oral preparation of calcium and active vitamin D postoperative dialysis side effects will appear at different times and different levels of Ca decreased. Light by the clinical symptoms of anxiety, irritability, tingling of lips or distal extremities; weight by dizziness, weakness, palpitations, wheezing, sweating, or even sweating, two cases of patients presented with diarrhea, two cases of patients with muscle twitching. There are five cases of patients presented with low blood pressure, blockage within a week after arteriovenous fistula. Clinical signs of lower blood pressure, faster heart rate. 96 cases of parathyroid resection, the majority of patients in the second postoperative day the Ca decline of individual patients in the postoperative one to two weeks, two cases of hypocalcemia in the month after the outpatient dialysis . The second postoperative day the Ca an average of 1.96 ± 0.27 (mmol / L), the lowest serum calcium 1.3 mmol / L, the average supplement of elemental calcium 2.82 ± 1.68 (g / d), and active vitamin D1.38 ± 0.66 (μg / d ,); the Ca week after an average of 2.15 ± 0.32 (mmol / L), supplementary elemental calcium 2.76 ± 1.52 (g / d), and active vitamin D1.30 ± 0.75 (μg / d). Most patients one week after disabled intravenous calcium, oral calcium carbonate and active vitamin D to maintain the stability of the Ca in, but there are two cases of patients after surgery in January, still require intravenous calcium.
Successful parathyroidectomy have a decline in Ca. After close observation of clinical signs and symptoms, timely monitoring of blood Ca, dialysis side effects of sufficient quantities of supplemental calcium and active vitamin D, can be avoided and rapid remission of the clinical manifestations occur. Usually after two days Ca began to decline, most require intravenous calcium, after a positive supplemental calcium and active vitamin D Ca is about back to normal in about a week after surgery.

Why Dialysis have Insomnia

At this time, more patients choose dialysis healing time from two weeks to once a week to twice a week, or even develop into the first two days or once a day, frequent dialysis, dialysis frequency was was a little bit of an increasing trend. a result, the patient is losing weight, grown weaker and weaker, the condition there is not much improved. Dialysis renowned experts explain dialysis dialysis diet common sense. Specific dialysis insomnia, see this article.
Dialysis insomnia related recommendation: pay attention to what dialysis patients phosphorus high how do do a hemodialysis How much abdominal peritoneal dialysis vomiting dialysis biochemical indicators of uremic dialysis why food should be added after the coated dialysis
But the duration of dialysis for a long time, can lead to a sense of dependence. Dialysis insomnia. Uremia (uraemia) dialysis to prevent the grasp of the most effective time to dialysis.
Dialysis, insomnia, the dialysis insomnia. The challenges of deaths, destabilize an incurable disease: Over the years, the medical community to explore the many methods of treatment of uremia. Detoxification therapies such as Chinese medicine, detoxification therapy. Western dialysis, renal transplant therapy, and so on, a lot of exploration to solve some problems, but the effect is not ideal. Each also have their shortcomings, traditional Chinese medicine effective, but the slow effect, Western and quick, but the cost is unreasonably high. kidney disease hospital after a large number of tests, the original micro-based medicine a cure uremia infiltration therapy, and effectively treated thousands of patients. Chinese medicine cure uremia and the addition of an option. Traditional Chinese medicine penetration of micro-based therapy penetration characteristics of ancient Chinese medicine treatment in this drug micronized easy absorbent, targeting integrated with the latest treatment methods. TCM active substances in the micro-after selective targeting positioning the role of impaired renal arteries at all levels, and its close connection with the expansion of the renal arteries and small arteries of the body, improve renal blood circulation, reduce glomerular pressure, reducing glomerular filtration status, slow down and stop the process of glomerulosclerosis, so that the increase in urinary creatinine, serum creatinine began to decline, urine output began to increase, the body slow down the symptoms of poisoning. Its large number of active ingredients can make the immune complex deposition, decomposition, and ultimately successfully excreted completely delay dialysis. Uremia induced by a variety of factors, it has a powerful effect.
Dialysis insomnia. Renal atrophy and changes in renal function is complementary to the status of dialysis patients due to the decline in renal function, but also is indicative of pre-dialysis kidney has been shrinking, so patients need to do now is to find the cause of renal atrophy investigation condition.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Diet of Patients with renal failure

Renal failure diet, control diet, is a basic treatment for patients with chronic renal failure, can reduce urine production of toxins, kidney failure diet will help maintain the body's minimum nutritional demand and electrolyte balance, renal failure The diet, however, this plan is the need patients and family members try to overcome a challenge, renal failure diet, because it is often necessary to give up some food to satisfy their appetites.
Renal failure patients in the diet should pay attention to what?
An adequate protein intake;
2, note that control water and salt (sodium) intake;
3, to avoid foods containing high potassium and phosphorus.
Renal failure diet, renal failure patients should limit protein intake, in order to reduce the burden on the kidneys, renal failure diet, but if you eat less, consume muscle and splanchnic tissues of the body, so must eat the correct and sufficient quantity "and" quality "protein, the amount should be 1.2 g per kilogram of body weight per day.
Renal failure diet, intake of high value, high quality physiological animal protein foods, such as: milk, eggs, meat. Lower renal failure diet, vegetable protein utilization in the body, renal failure diet more nitrogenous waste metabolism, and therefore can not be safe to eat, such as: beans (red beans, mung beans, peas, broad beans, peas , pea nuts), soy products (tofu, dried tofu, soy milk).
Renal failure diet, gluten products (wheat gluten, flour, intestinal, baked bran), nuts (seeds, peanuts, walnuts, cashew, chestnut). Renal failure diet, vegetarian soy products and cereals contain essential amino acids are not enough complete renal failure diet, in order to improve the protein utilization of vegetarians, these foods to be together with food, renal failure diet, in order to play a complementary effect; change is best to eat custard prime appropriate, protein intake by quantitative standards.

What kinds of symptoms in patients with early renal failure in women

In early renal failure, patients exhibit some of the symptoms, we can make these symptoms to determine renal failure.
Drowsiness, fatigue, complexion, patients will often appear yellow, poor appetite
This is a sign of illness early, almost 100% the patient will appear, but it is often linked with fatigue, ignoring treatment. When tiredness or weakness, unexplained anemia occurs when a poor appetite, go to the hospital to check kidney function.
Second, friends often occur in patients with hypertension
When renal function damage can occur in the body water and sodium retention, kidneys secrete substances that cause blood pressure to rise. Therefore, early will have high blood pressure in patients with 90% renal failure.
Third, during the night, increased urine in patients with
Performance for the night-time frequency of micturition, urinary volume, accompanied by thirst.
Four, appear swollen, urine volume changes of the patients treated with regular
This is more easily detectable, as well as early symptoms of renal failure. Earlier only in the ankle and swollen eyelids, swollen then developed to the sustained or systemic. At this point you want to visit.
So when we found out that the several symptoms should be attracted the attention of patients with friends, most likely renal failure has slowly violating you. Patients friends should go to hospital for more checks, and take the right treatments for treatment of renal failure.

Why in diabetic nephropathy?

Literally means to know that the kidney damage caused by diabetes, what is the reason? Diabetes and kidney how kind of relationship? Play a key role, perhaps even what are the initiating factor in diabetic nephropathy, it?
Diabetic nephropathy is closely related to high blood sugar, poor blood sugar control can accelerate the occurrence and development of diabetic nephropathy, glycemic control can significantly slow down its development. Hyperglycemia and advanced glycation end products generate increased cause mesangial cell proliferation, increased extracellular matrix, mesangial expansion, glomerular basement membrane thickening.
(1) hyperglycemia, glomerular hyperperfusion, hyperfiltration state, across the capillary wall pressure increased, so that the expansion of mesangial cells, epithelial cell foot process fusion and produce dense droplets, glomerular epithelial cells from the basal membrane shedding.
(2) increased glomerular basement membrane collagen type Ⅳ messenger sugar, nucleic acid, basement membrane thickening, and ultimately the formation of diffuse mesangial nodular lesions, the occurrence of glomerular sclerosis.
(3) In the case of increased pressure, protein filtration increase, can also be deposited in the mesangial area and glomerular basement membrane, promoting stromal proliferation, creating a vicious cycle, and can cause nodular and diffuse glomerulosclerosis .
Genetic factors
Why in diabetic nephropathy? The majority of patients with diabetes eventually kidney disease does not occur, but the same, there may be some good long-term glycemic control in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Glucose transporter protein -1 (GLUT1) is the major glucose transporter in mesangial cells.
Recent studies have found that among individuals with diabetes mesangial cell GLUT1 menu up and differences in the regulation is one of the factors in some patients susceptible to kidney damage. And diabetic nephropathy also showed family aggregation, and some family history of hypertension in diabetic patients, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy was significantly higher than in patients without hypertension, family history. In addition, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy between the different races there are also differences. This show of diabetic nephropathy and genetic factors.

How to cure chronic kidney failure? .

Chronic renal failure check items? How to cure chronic kidney failure?
First, the primary disease treatment: long-term on the primary or secondary Glomerulonephritis, hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease and other reasonable treatment.
B, clearing toxin for treatment of renal failure:
Mild oral oral salt dialysis niaoduqing package oxygen aldehyde starch or shenshuaining medicine; some patients using mannitol salt water enema preparations or; end-stage renal failure requires replacement therapy (dialysis or renal transplantation).
Three, control high blood pressure: preference ACEI, and calcium ion antagonist, but preventing functional decline in GFR. Dang blood muscle anhydride is greater than 350 μ mol/L and is not dialysis of patients carefully with or without ACEI;, as appropriate, share diuretics selective beta-receptor block agent and the vascular tension pigment II receptor antagonist anti-agent, drug; for early renal features quick deterioration who can trial more BA amine prostate pigment E1,; stubborn sexual hypertension can oral long pressure will static drops phenol properly pull Ming or nitrate General sodium,.
Four, maintaining water balance and correct metabolic acidosis
How to cure chronic kidney failure? simply that medical treatment although can play a role, only symptomatic treatment, kidney disease to better treatment, treated with combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine is the key. Characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of micro-permeation therapy of traditional Chinese medicine, complemented by symptomatic treatment of Chinese and Western medicine treated with combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine measures, effective measures is the treatment of nephropathy. Micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy Hospital of nephropathy expert creative team after years of clinical practice and summary of a method of treatment characteristics. Application of combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in treatment of chronic kidney failure nephropathy, kidney disease is a major feature of hospital treatment therapies.
Micro-permeation therapy of traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of renal failure has three processes: huoxue tongluo, removing blood stasis and qingdu, repair health and new. Huoxue pass complex main improved kidney of blood stream perfusion, while also will improved body of Microcirculation, full renal of blood stream perfusion improved, body weak of symptoms gradually are improved, huoxue pass complex is micro-of Chinese medicine penetration therapy treatment in the more important of a step, first a process consolidation good, decided with Hou two process, then again through dispelling stasis Qing HIV clear body of toxic substances and through repair health new repair damaged of kidney inherent cell, thus reached treatment kidney disease of eventually purposes.
Diet therapy: compensatory phase of renal insufficiency may be low quality protein (0.6~0.8g/kg.d) low-phosphorus (<750mg/d) food and, if necessary, plus essential amino acid, or α-Keto acids, patients with advanced non-dialysis should be high quality low protein diet (<0.6g/kg.d) plus essential amino acid, or α-Keto acid.

Eating and vomiting after hemodialysis.

Dialysis hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis is the use of semi-permeable membrane theory, blood and dialysate in patients at the same time the introduction of dialyzer (artificial kidney). President Xu hemodialysis experts guide on "blood dialysis hemodialysis" diet, symptoms of common sense. More "eating and vomiting after hemodialysis" related content in this article give some references.
Eating and vomiting after hemodialysis related recommendation: hemodialysis dialysis nutrition complications of hemodialysis in the price of foot costs of root pain after a hemodialysis in Harbin the hospital blood dialysis doing good blood spill dry weight
Hemodialysis is only temporarily reduce blood backbone (Cr) and the means of blood urea nitrogen, but not treatments, it can only toxins in the blood filtering and not against toxins resulting renal pathological damage repair, and is therefore "stopgap" and therefore key to treatment of renal failure with uremia is against kidney damage repair organization, recovery renal function. Eating and vomiting after hemodialysis. Uremia dialysis patients of therapeutic how more reasonable? current for urine HIV syndrome patients often used dialysis to reduced muscle liver, therefore many dialysis of for came to asked doctor, dialysis Hou diet attention what? eat what good? following on problem we to understanding about: uremia dialysis patients of therapeutic? some patients in accept blood dialysis treatment Hou, believes that dialysis can to body various harmful and extra of substances clear off, thus relax has diet limit, actually this is a errors of awareness.
Eating and vomiting after hemodialysis, eating and vomiting after dialysis. From a simple symptom terms, uremic patients should always wipe the skin with warm water, keeping the skin clean, you can alleviate the symptoms of itching. Antihistamine drugs such as kairuitan (chlorine mine he will) has a more pronounced role in controlling pruritus, the patient can be oral in order to alleviate symptoms. Early renal replacement treatment, such as hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or kidney transplantation an effective method to treat the disease. For pruritus unknown factors should be checked for kidney related, in the case of uremia caused by and should be actively treated primary disease, in order to prolong life, improve quality of life. But fundamentally, require fundamentally repair damaged process of renal fibrosis, inherent in efforts to restore the kidney cells of normal physiological functions, and only effectively treat the patients with uremia, a disease, can greatly mitigate its harm of complications!
Eating and vomiting after hemodialysis. Seize the most effective dialysis opportunities. When endogenous creatinine clearance rate fell to 15ml/minutes (about 15% of normal renal function) when should begin dialysis treatment, diabetes patients need to be slightly earlier. Otherwise, the large amounts of toxins and water accumulated in the body can cause serious heart disease, stroke, and so on. If dialysis started too late, these will not be a very good grasp on the situation and control effect of renal transplantation in the future. Dialysis there are a variety of ways, patients should know that health care personnel when dialysis can be a rough estimate, prepared to include psychological preparation for patients and their families, so that they could meet to heal to the greatest degree. As for hemodialysis, you must 3-4 fistula surgery within a month in advance, to avoid intravascular catheterization, opportunities for reducing sepsis.

Analysis of why limb

Analysis of why limb. Uremic patients cannot eat what fruit? After entering in uremic patients with chronic kidney disease are generally accompanied by loss of appetite symptoms, combined with each dialysis to lose a small amount of blood and proteins, survival time of patients with extension of nutritional status also deteriorated year by year, concurrent symptoms and mortality will also increase. Dialysis expert President Xu guidance on "analysis of what" diet, symptoms of common sense. More "why are limbs of dialysis" related content in this article give some references.
Analysis of why limb hemp related recommendation: what are complications of hemodialysis dialysis why do people crap diabetes patients what to eat invigorating body? what nephritis what benefit dialysis dialysis is generally done to what extent bilateral renal atrophy dialysis
Uremia can you cure? will the latest treatment for uremia? " Didn't include any other method, either dialysis or kidney transplant? " Although many patients with uremia patients find it difficult to accept, but this is indeed a doctor issued an ultimatum. Analysis of why limb. Uremia (uraemia) dialysis diet programme is what? uremia (uraemia) patients as appears has renal features failure (renal failure), human important of excretion organ and endocrine organ occurs disorder, water electrolytic mass lost balance, cannot as normal as metabolism, excluded toxins: as protein decomposition Hou generated of containing nitrogen products (urine HIV nitrogen, and muscle anhydride (creatinine) (Cr)), effects indole phenol and metformin class.
Analysis of why limb, why are limbs of dialysis. For the kidney itself is a detoxification respirator organs ' of the human body. It is the role of blood in the human body in the various toxic substances harmful to the human body, all kinds of complexes objects, scrap filter, removed to protect blood fresh and pure. This is the role of phagocytes in vivo. The uremia can you cure? they stick to like the police on various aspects of the blood circulation, see molecular structure of some large foreign bodies in the blood, they will be cleared from the blood circulation process. Under our current medical standards of Chinese and Western drugs, including various decoctions, injection and so on, are often in the form of molecules exist, because it is toxic, so, regardless of in what ways and means to be sent to you when the kidneys, the kidneys will be removed as a clear object.

Renal failure can exhaust the number of urine a day?

Renal failure can exhaust the number of urine a day? Early prevention and treatment measures for chronic renal failure
1, early intervention, prevention key to renal failure. Primary prevention, diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, refractory nephropathy and other positive treatment, prevent the occurrence of chronic renal failure.
2, to strengthen the follow up, detecting disease. Most of the treatment of kidney disease has not yet reached the level of recovery, can only say that clinical eased, for not entering the kidney disease in patients with chronic renal failure, proactive prevention; and in patients with chronic renal failure stage for, medication, regular visits, it is best to check every 3-6 months 1, this means that "secondary prevention", "tertiary prevention."
3, look out for colds and infections "steal" renal function. "Save righteousness, evil is not dry". Life regularly, may be appropriate depending on their physical condition in the morning exercises, such as Tai Chi, walking, etc, of course, go out to avoid weather such as wind, rain, snow, and should pay attention to the four seasons change, Tim reduced clothing in a timely manner. Keep indoor air fresh, circulation, keep warm, to prevent harm. Diet should be light, try to eat less tobacco, alcohol and spicy fried products, while under medical advice to four seasons-replacement diet at any time. After infection, doctors in a timely manner under the guidance of medication, medication should never be careful, strict doctor's medication.
4, control of blood pressure lowering blood lipids. Exercise and rest cure, a reasonable arrangement. In patients with chronic renal failure rest time is relatively more than the campaign time, minimized to stay up late, regulating circadian clock as little as possible, keeping the body smooth.
5, adjusting diet, nutrition nurse renal. Promote low-protein diet.
6, good mental state is better than medicine. Set up the confidence to overcome the disease, summon up the courage to live.

When to start dialysis treatment?

When to start dialysis treatment? Dialysis patients to eat .. The following may be what you're looking
Dialysis patients eat? Dialysis treatment and can not replace 100% of the renal function of healthy people. Moreover, with the development of medical technology, confirmed Beijing hospital therapy can block the treatment of renal fibrosis has been promising to restore the residual kidney function through years of clinical practice. Therefore, the dietary restrictions in dialysis patients and guidance is absolutely necessary.
As for the dialysis patients eat? Hospital experts pointed out that the stage of dialysis patients should adequate intake of quality protein, low potassium diet should also adhere to; control phosphorus intake to prevent hyperphosphatemia cause bone to become soft; fruits and vegetables to K to avoid hyperkalemia caused by cardiac arrest in dialysis and other.
Chronic nephritis further development of renal insufficiency, uremia, in addition to strictly limit the protein, but also strict restrictions on water intake, if there is oliguria (daily urine output of less than 300 ml), then high potassium foods such as kelp, seaweed, animal offal, bananas have to eat.
Can be high in calories, low-protein food as the main source of energy in the diet, such as potatoes, yams, taro, sweet potato, lotus root, noodles, lotus root starch, etc., to supplement the heat, reduce the decomposition of body protein. In addition, the kidneys, bland food and condiments, such as wine, mustard, pepper, etc. should be taboo.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Chronic renal failure have a cold?

Patients with chronic renal failure itself, physical fitness is relatively poor, low resistance to encounter a number of external invasion, it is easy to colds, infections, increased disease progression, even if normal people are inevitably cold, so in daily life. renal failure patients need appropriate exercise, and enhance the mentioned resistance, and add clothing according to weather changes in a timely manner.
Cold treatment of chronic renal failure, do not simply think of how how to control the cold, but aggressive treatment of renal insufficiency, renal function recovery, even if repeated colds, not afraid, therefore, your emphasis should be placed on treatment how the treatment of renal function, to avoid further decline in physical fitness, and in case of cold or cold precursor selection of proprietary Chinese medicines to make application to the small drug on kidney damage!
So, chronic renal failure have a cold? Micro-based Chinese medicine penetration treatment of renal failure alone has a unique advantage.
The therapy will be the active ingredient of the drug penetration through the acupuncture point spread to patients with kidney to Huoxuetongluo, live blood stasis and disinfection, repair and reconstruction as the way to clear the kidneys, activate kidney function for the purpose of promoting and improving the already shrinking necrosis kidney micro-circulation, accelerate the metabolism of lesions of the kidney, so that the active ingredient in the drugs play a full part, repair the damaged glomerular restore the kidneys of normal physiological functions, so that the serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen decreased to normal.

Renal insufficiency without dialysis treatment?

Consulting patients: renal insufficiency without dialysis treatment? One of my relatives had renal insufficiency, concrete is not very clear, and now has been in dialysis, has been a month, the doctor said to wait to the end of the second course of treatment, in determining the
The nephrotic hospital kidney specialists:
The role of dialysis only alternative, to temporarily alleviate the damage of toxins on the body, but only "artificial kidney" role in the pathological damage of the renal parenchyma without treatment. For your condition, we have been on the phone you detailed communication, books have been working days sent, please leave a message check. Patients in accordance with the physician asked the appropriate treatment and nursed back to health, patients wish speedy recovery. If you have any questions, or visit the article around the kidney disease, it is recommended to submit the patient's case information in order to give you targeted analysis and advice therapy combined with specific disease.

Dialysis treatment can relieve uremia

Uremia, because the kidney has been seriously damaged, the body of toxic substances and water can not be normal excreted. The dialysis treatment is a accumulation of toxic substances in the body and water excreted through the semipermeable membrane, dialysis treatment can alleviate the condition of the patients with uremia. That effective dialysis treatment of uremic it?
Dialysis treatment can quickly reduce serum creatinine, alleviate the uremic condition, but the clinically proven treatment, it is only a only a temporary solution. Once dialysis, must be life-long dialysis have been down, or serum creatinine and other indicators will continue to rise, the body of toxic substances will continue to pile up. And the long-term dialysis because of kidney long-term disuse atrophy necrosis only in patients with uremia, such as headache, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, myoclonus, tremor, loss of orientation, drowsiness, epileptiform grand mal seizures, coma and other complications, the worst case, can also lead to death in patients with uremia.
Dialysis treatment can relieve uremic it? Dialysis treatment can alleviate the condition of the uremic patients, but only temporary, but also to patients with uremia ruthless and more side effects, and therefore not recommended in uremic patients with dialysis treatment. Here for recommended treatment for a non-toxic side effects of treating the symptoms and root of the problem.
This treatment is a group of experts led by the Chinese doctors forum experts, developed through years of clinical practice, is the latest breakthrough in the field of uremia treatment. Characteristics of the pure traditional Chinese medicine therapy, "therapy is toxic side effects of treating the symptoms and root of the problem of a different dialysis therapies. As long as the patient's creatinine is below 1300umol / L, 24-hour urine volume of more than 1200ml, dialysis is not more than 10 times this within the scope of this therapy in uremic patients without dialysis can be completely cured uremia, but beyond this this therapy also cured.

ESRD dialysis can be cured

Dialysis is only a temporary substitute for the kidney work in a therapy, "artificial kidney" one said. The so-called "human organs, do not waste, impaired renal function not only has not been treated with dialysis carried out, the remaining kidney function is also not to use, thus renal function gradually scrapped, dialysis interval gradually reduced, over time renal complete loss of function. Although dialysis can to a certain extent, help the body eliminate toxic ingredients, in order to meet their urgent needs, but did not play the role of treatment and protection of renal function, so not uremia treatment of long-term solution. That kidney disease dialysis can be cured?
Nephropathy not dialysis can be cured? Uremia dialysis is definitely yes, and whether it is early uremia or advanced uremia due to renal ischemia, hypoxia, leading to impaired renal intrinsic cells caused kidney dysfunction, self-regulatory function of imbalance. cells in a variety of kidney structure, function, a series of lesions. Therefore, in order to treat uremia, most notably the repair of the damaged kidney cells. In fact, uremia patients with kidney, there are still some residual renal function, if this simple to use dialysis treatment, the remaining kidney function will gradually decline and eventually scrapped completely, in fact, uremia does not have to dialysis and kidney transplant, and now Chinese medicine The sector has emerged a treatment for uremia treatment.
Chinese medicine treatment of uremic syndrome differentiation, its purpose is to prevent exacerbations and lesion development, and promote rehabilitation. Today, doctors forum, led by experts through years of clinical practice, the Group successfully developed a purely Chinese uremic dialysis does not transplant treatment - therapy. Breaking the traditional treatment for uremia to rely on the situation of the dialysis and transplant treatment, even uremic patients, as long as the detected 24-hour urine volume of more than 1200ml, creatinine values ​​in 1300umol / L or less, the number of dialysis of 10 below, the use of TCM uremia treatment characteristics therapy treatment without dialysis transplant, 3 - 6 months to completely cure uremia, uremic patients living like a normal person. However, this therapy is not a panacea, the patient should be based on their illness, creatinine, urine output, the number of dialysis is not in the above range, using the of uremia latest treatment also failed to cure.
Professor Comment: in uremia patients, kidney damage is relatively heavy, the recovery of renal function takes a long time. TCM features comprehensive treatment of therapy with the live kidney series of prescriptions, a Huoxuetongluo: poor blood circulation, leading to reduced renal blood perfusion, reflex caused by high blood pressure, the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine the gas to eliminate stasis, blood running smooth, natural blood pressure also down, while the kidney's blood supply has also been improved, getting rid of ischemia, hypoxia, reaching to correct renal anemia. 2, the blood: the product of clear pathology, on the one hand, clearing the way for the repair process, the other hand, it can increase the permeability and increased filtration rate, increased detoxification capacity to remove toxins from the body. 3, raw fixes: renal units in the fully restored after renal anemia will be corrected, serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen will be reduced to normal, renal function will fundamentally be restored. Patient reports: I'm an engineer, "you see me today is a pair of lively look, but two years ago, I almost lost confidence in the survival of chronic illness into a good doctor, and now talk about kidney disease, I also considered a 'amateur experts'! "due to the nature of the work of the engineer, so I am very busy, and often need to work overtime, so in March 2008 of a sudden one day, I have a cold. Although this cold menacing, let me restless, but I thought that the previous cold, carry passed, it does not go to hell, just eat a cold medicine trouble. After half a month, my general malaise symptoms gradually worsened, about two weeks time rice to eat, eat, spit Koupen ammonia odor, body fatigue, walk way. Colleagues persuaded me to a local hospital were examined. The blood tests of renal function, the index of urea nitrogen 48.2mmol / l, the creatinine 1059umol / L,. The doctor immediately hospitalized, my blood pressure during treatment is difficult to control, malaise, increased symptoms, increased urine bubble, for the sake of further treatment by making inquiries, using traditional Chinese medicine for finally listening to friends' therapy. Admission, again, blood tests, my blood urea nitrogen had risen to 50.3, creatinine 1210umol / L, the doctor let me according to my history of "therapy to protect the residual renal function, to restore kidney treatment. After 15 days, a variety of symptoms have disappeared, the people are much more comfortable. Using the therapy for four courses, my spirit, diet, sleep well, check the renal creatinine normal, not swollen, no nausea and vomiting, dizziness, fatigue phenomenon is not, the doctor said I made a full recovery. At that moment I was moved to tears, Here I would like to thank my doctor, thank invented "the experts, thank you for giving me another life! Discharged so far has been two years, my renal function has remained within the normal range, the body is also very healthy.

Nephrotic syndrome Why is there a massive proteinuria?

Nephrotic syndrome, in fact, it is not a nephropathy, but with the same clinical symptoms collectively referred to as a glomerular disease. These same clinical symptoms, ie patients with nephrotic syndrome is often said that the "three high and one low": massive proteinuria, edema, hyperlipidemia, and hypoproteinemia. The occurrence of massive proteinuria can directly lead to kidney patients produce edema, hyperlipidemia, and hypoproteinemia. Massive proteinuria is the basic characteristics of the nephrotic syndrome, is also a diagnostic sign of symptoms of nephrotic syndrome.
In the end nephrotic syndrome in patients with massive proteinuria is how to generate it? This can be explained from the following aspects.
Nephrotic syndrome in a large number of proteins in the urine of patients is mainly derived from their blood. Under normal circumstances, renal comprehensive vast majority of protein in the blood of the patients does not appear in the urine, especially macromolecular protein and the negatively charged protein does not appear, this is because the human kidney glomerular there filtration barrier and hinder the filter out of the protein.
Human kidney glomerular filtration barrier consists of glomerular capillary endothelial cells, basement membrane and glomerular capsule of visceral epithelial cells (shown). When cold, tired, weak incentives role in disease resistance (ie, clinical said low immunity) crowd, very easy to make such a crowd glomerular capillary endothelial cells, visceral epithelial cells and basement membrane, etc. kidney tissue fibrosis, so damage to the kidneys normally hinder protein filtration barrier structure, resulting in glomerular filtration lesions occur. Occurrence of fibrosis in the kidney, the glomerular filtration barrier filtration aperture large, large amounts of protein from the glomerular basement membrane filtration into the urine.

What are the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy has?

Different ways diabetes can damage the kidneys such damages involving the kidneys of all the structure, but only glomerular sclerosis and diabetes, also known as diabetic nephropathy, is one of the microvascular complications of diabetes systemic. Diabetic nephropathy, a disease is very serious harm diabetic patients, is an important reason to cause the death of diabetic patients. Diabetic nephropathy in clinical practice can be expressed in the following symptoms:
A. Bladder weakness
Bladder weakness, also may be troubled by the problems of people with diabetes, usually extended during get diabetes, especially in patients with poor diabetes control, due to local nerve barriers, making the role of control of bladder contraction of the muscle to failure. Bladder weakness, often makes the urine can not be ruled out clean, produce urine retention, bacteria are likely to breed in the storage of urine in the bladder, resulting in cystitis.
For the prevention of acute inflammation, in addition to the usual attention to outside the control of diabetes as well as personal hygiene, but also need the patient to be vigilant, once the urination feeling Sao hot, tingling, smooth symptoms should seek immediate medical treatment, prompt administration of symptomatic drugs . If the condition is a chronic, patients often have no symptoms, therefore need to regularly check the urine, such as it does for chronic inflammation, "evils" determination, and in close coordination with the physician, in order to avoid the treatment of incomplete leaving the troubles.
2 cystitis, pyelitis
The urinary system consists of the kidneys to the bladder, parts prone to chronic complications of diabetes. People with diabetes, particularly the control of poorly patients, decreased white blood cell phagocytosis of bacteria, lower resistance to bacterial violations, so prone to cystitis. Bacteria from the bladder extension up, or with the blood circulation to the kidney, may lead to bacterial infections of the kidneys, the most common is the pyelitis is recurrent acute inflammation, if the bacteria are not eradicated, it may be transformed into chronic inflammation, have a corrosive effect on the function of the kidneys and bladder slowly. Diabetes among female patients due to the relationship of the physical structure, more vulnerable to the invasion of the disease.
(3) glomerulosclerosis
For people with diabetes, special kidney disease, glomerulosclerosis, kidney, tens of thousands of glomerular filtration is in charge of urine. Patients with glomerular sclerosis phenomenon, wastes no excretion, and ultimately lead to diabetes uremia. The chronic complications, the occurrence rate is very high and serious complications in the diabetic kidney urinary system, and therefore subject to special attention to. Others, such as renal tubules, renal papillary inflammation, and its incidence is low.
So far, experts still no particularly effective in the prevention of glomerular sclerosis. But it is known that diabetes onset is longer, and its incidence is higher. As for disease control is good or bad, whether the incidence is still under investigation.
Symptoms of diabetic nephropathy, there are the following points:
1, edema, and nephrotic syndrome. Early diabetic nephropathy is usually no swelling; edema occurs when the 24-hour urinary protein excretion of patients with diabetic nephropathy more than 3 grams. Once the patient has systemic edema, the condition of diabetic nephropathy was the state of continued progress. Diabetic nephropathy patients body edema symptoms for more than half of the sick people, this may be due to lose a lot of protein in the urine of patients with diabetic nephropathy due to hypoproteinemia.Longer duration in patients with diabetic nephropathy, caused by edema of diabetic nephropathy, the more complications, of which about 20% of diabetic patients have nephrotic syndrome appears.

Dialysis patients causes diarrhea how it was.

 The heal uremia (uraemia) hemodialysis Note What is it? The Hemodialysis how is it? Hemodialysis refers to the application of medical equipment, and metabolites in human blood removed to maintain the balance in the patients body. Dialysis experts Director Wang guidance related to the dialysis matter how "symptoms, treatment of common sense. Detailed dialysis patients causes diarrhea matter how "see this article.
The total dialysis patients causes diarrhea how is it recommended: dialysis patients with hematuria how going on dialysis, nausea how is it? Dialysis in the end is how dialysis finished belly choke is how is it? Dialysis after vomiting is how dialysis patients with chest tightness is how
Hemodialysis how is it? Hemodialysis refers to the use of medical equipment, and metabolites in human blood removed to maintain the balance in the patient's body. Dialysis patients causes diarrhea how it was. Dialysis Why would foot cramps? Dialysis complications in uremic patients, 40 years old, now why the initiation of dialysis for almost a year, dialysis foot cramps cramps? Is going on? Dialysis why foot cramps - because we all know, hemodialysis will produce a series of complications, cramp is one of the hemodialysis common complications, and more to produce the end of the dialysis.
The total dialysis patients causes diarrhea how is it that causes diarrhea how going on in dialysis patients.
Dialysis patients causes diarrhea how it was.
Dialysis patients causes diarrhea how it was.
Micro-based medicine penetrate the treatment of kidney disease, among other micro-after breaking the molecular chain reorganization, resulting in a new feature, and the combination of imperfect molecular chains in the cells of damaged kidney tissue, to form a new molecule, changing the valence bond structure of the cellular and molecular repair DNA damaged cells, while promoting blood flow to accelerate and enhance the metabolism, the key is activated damaged cell DNA replication machinery. Promote cell repair and regeneration of damaged kidney tissue to promote the reconstruction of damaged tissue. Impaired renal structural changes in renal function before recovery, the clinical symptoms will be improved. Repair the damaged kidney is simply repair the kidney tissue has a very strong resistance to disease, once the repair place, is not disease attacks, the prognosis does not relapse.

How to control the size of renal cysts

The right kidney cyst wall calcification? How to control the size of renal cysts .The following may be what you're looking
Love experts kidney disease experts point out that control the size of renal cysts is very useful for the treatment of renal cysts.
Speaking for patients with renal cysts, renal cysts are not over 3 cm do not need to be treated, the patient typically does not cause any symptoms, but also the repressive structure of the kidney, urinary system cause kidney obstruction, this circumstances, completely peaceful coexistence and cysts. But slightly irregular life will make the bag larger than 3 centimeters, the need for timely treatment, otherwise it will give patients serious injury.
Generally control the size of renal cysts, by these methods.
A, control the growth of the cyst, drug control, inhibition of vesicle fluid secretion, anti-vesicle epithelial cell growth and to reduce the secondary lesions.
Cyst treatment has increased by micro-methods of Chinese medicine to regulate, by improving the body blood circulation, the reversal of cystic fluid and the pressure of the fluid in the cyst with peripheral vascular intracapsular liquid gradually into the blood circulation was taken away.
Above to control the size of renal cysts, and patients in their daily lives, we should do renal cysts of health care, to prevent the deterioration of renal cysts, renal cysts rehabilitation very useful.

How to treat IgA nephropathy with hematuria

IgA nephropathy can be much longer life, mesangial matrix, thus the name. Above the incidence of IgA nephropathy is the pathological findings, renal biopsy can be diagnosed with IgA glomerulonephritis. IgA nephritis is more common in children and young people under the age of 30 IgA nephritis patients of the total incidence of 80%, and female ratio was 2:1.
IgA nephropathy is the most obvious clinical symptoms is the gap repeated episodes of hematuria, the so-called hematuria is the abnormal red blood cells in urine increased.IgA in patients with hematuria are generally divided into two (1) gross hematuria, a large number of red blood cells mixed with the urine, the urine was bright red meat or wash water samples, one can identify (2) microscopic hematuria, the naked eye can not be observed in the urine blood, but found that red blood cells under a powerful microscope.Case of renal pathological damage of the local microcirculation, leading to renal ischemia and hypoxia, and thus damage the kidney tissue, then the original function of the glomerular filtration membrane destruction, the permeability of the glomerular filtration membrane increased, the original can not be filtered red blood cell filtration, the hematuria.
In exploring the treatment of IgA nephropathy hematuria does not deny the effect of Western medicine, soon to play a drug effect, temporarily suppress the progress of the disease is its advantage, but it can no longer simply rely on Western medicine treatment.The clinical observation of western medicine, hematuria negative for IgA patients in the face of cold, after infection, the disease is easy to repeat, that is, we often say "temporary solution". The hematuria therapeutic focus needs to pursue the cause of reasonable differentiation mentioned above hematuria produce pathological damage of kidney tissue, argumentative renal fibrosis progression, hematuria, if left unchecked control also kidney fibrosis progression a major incentive to adopt a multi-target treatment for this  Kidney hospital for treatment of IgA nephropathy hematuria, infiltration therapy with multiple immunosuppressive agents combined micro-Chinese medicine treatment, western medicine penetrate the micro-based traditional Chinese medicine therapies to provide a strong body environment, organic combination of tackling the problem, repair kidneys damaged tissue, restoring kidney function to prevent the progress of renal fibrosis. A clinical practice survey found that more than about 90% of patients with IgA nephropathy after consolidation therapy achieved a good therapeutic effect, and the small risk of recurrence within 2 years hematuria negative.

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