Thursday 16 August 2012

What could have caused a rapid increase in serum creatinine?

High  creatinine because the reasons which caused serum creatinine increased a number of factors does not make sense, if for different reasons of creatinine increased, the method used is the same as the effects of treatment may not be so ideal, so be sure how to clear creatinine is elevated? To reduce creatinine.
First: To know what is creatinine, serum creatinine increased because what? Generally referred to in the clinic are considered endogenous creatinine, endogenous creatinine is a product of the metabolism of human muscle. In muscle, creatine is mainly by the irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction slowly formed creatinine, and then released into the bloodstream, with the urinary excretion. Creatinine small molecules, very little absorption by glomerular filtration in the renal tubules, creatinine, daily body produces almost all of the urine, usually from urine affect. Serum creatinine and total body muscle are closely related, less susceptible to dietary influence. Clinical detection of serum creatinine is one of the main methods for common understanding of renal function. What are the causes of high creatinine ?
What are the reasons for the rapid increase of serum creatinine? Should be treated?
1, patients with existing renal insufficiency, such as co-infection, including colds, pneumonia, intestinal infections, urinary tract infections such as elevated serum creatinine in the short term.
2, the dehydration of the body, such as fever, sweating, reduced water intake, polyuria of the blood concentration, the reduction in renal blood flow, elevated serum creatinine.
The original kidney disease patients, the use of kidney damage drugs can appear elevated serum creatinine, even irreversible.
4, the original kidney disease, relapse, oliguria, or anuria can be combined acute renal failure, elevated serum creatinine.
5 life, exertion, resting well, the details of life do not pay attention, elevated serum creatinine.
Existing hypertension, blood pressure not controlled, long-term, medium and massive proteinuria (24 hours total urine protein greater than 1 g or 1.5 g), can be slow, unconsciously elevated serum creatinine.
Immunotherapy is a purely Chinese characteristics therapy regulate systemic immune function, repair of the glomerular basement membrane, the active ingredients of drugs through the acupuncture point infiltration spread to patients with kidney through the kidney, for active blood circulation, Jiangzhuo detoxification pathway, clear the kidneys, the activation of renal function for the purpose. Promote and improve the renal microcirculation has been shrinking necrosis, and accelerated lesion kidney metabolism, so that the active ingredients in drugs to fully play its role, repair damaged glomerulus, enhanced glomerular reabsorption, restoring the kidneys of normal physiological functions, so that the blood creatinine, blood urea nitrogen decreased to normal.

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