Thursday 4 July 2013

Can dialysis cure kidney disease patients

Q: Can dialysis cure kidney disease patients?
A: Dialysis is not a cure for kidney disease. When kidney disease progresses into advanced stages, kidneys are severely impaired and overall complications will occur. Anemia, vomiting, weakness, high potassium, cardiovascular diseases.. ..just to name a few.
Dialysis as an artificial filter can remove toxins so as to relieve complications. However, it can not improve the kidneys at all. Kidney function declines continuously during dialysis. Some short term and long-term complications can occur. Patients on maintenance dialysis may find themselves make less and less urine.
The advice for patients on borderline of dialysis is that, your kidneys can be improved and there are great chances of avoiding dialysis if proper treatment is adopted. On the one hand, control complications positively; on the other hand, treatment of the kidneys is much more essential. Combination of the two aspects is the most ergent thing for you.

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