Saturday 29 June 2013

Complications of hemodialysis

Each dialysis or hemodialysis process occurred within a few hours after the end of dialysis itself with related complications.
1. Disequilibrium syndrome
Common in blood urea nitrogen and high levels of muscle liver, symptoms of uremia Obviously patients, especially common in dialysis and dialysis initial induction period. The main reason is mainly through urea after some of the substances in the blood and brain tissue between the distribution is uneven, unbalanced PH value plus cause cerebral edema and cerebral anoxia, performance and transparency through the headache, fatigue, malaise , nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure, sleep disorders, severe cases may have psychosis, epileptic seizures, coma and even death.
2. Hypotension
The most common complication of hemodialysis. Causes including effective hypovolemia, ultrafiltration too much too fast, autonomic neuropathy, vasoconstriction decreases atrial natriuretic peptide levels are too high and the impact of antihypertensive drugs. Manifested as dizziness, pale, sweating, amaurosis, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps and even loss of consciousness. Treatment is quick to add volume, while slowing blood flow, reduce or suspend ultrafiltration. Preventive measures include pre-filled dialyzer, blood flow gradually from small to large, using sequential dialysis or high sodium dialysis and instruct patient to control the increase in body weight between dialysis to reduce the amount of ultrafiltration.
More common in acetate dialysis, its causes and acetate metabolism in the body and lower blood CO2 and HCO3-concentration. Dialysis membrane biocompatibility differences can lead to pulmonary capillary leukocyte aggregation affect ventilatory function, but also produces an important cause of hypoxemia. Clinical manifestations are not obvious, the original heart and lung disease patients or the elderly may be symptoms of hypoxia, or even induced angina and myocardial infarction. Nasal cannula treatment I can. Preventive measures include: Use dialysate bicarbonate dialysis using good biocompatibility.
4. Arrhythmia
Often caused by a hypokalemia, hypokalemia mostly because of relapse or non-use of potassium potassium dialysate. Hemolysis can produce hyperkalemia and induce arrhythmia, but quite rare. Predialysis patients with digitalis drugs in serum potassium concentrations decreased as dialysis and pH fluctuations can occur digitalis intoxication induced arrhythmias. Prevention measures include: potassium diet foods to avoid predialysis hyperkalemia, severe restrictions dialysis patients digitalis drug use, and the use of potassium> 3.0 mm ol / L dialysate. Arrhythmia may be used when antiarrhythmic drugs, but need to adjust the dose according to the situation of drug metabolism.
5. Pericardial tamponade
Hemodialysis and shortly after penetration occurs mostly hemorrhagic pericardial tamponade, often on the basis of the original uremic pericarditis caused due to the application of heparin pericardial bleeding. Clinical manifestations: ① blood pressure were decreased, with signs of shock; ② jugular vein distention, hepatomegaly, odd pulse, central venous pressure increased; ③ heart community to expand, distant heart sounds; ④ B-see large amounts of pericardial effusions. Treatment measures: dialysis occurred should immediately stop dialysis to protamine and heparin, and closely observed fluctuations. Tamponade severe symptoms may be pericardiocentesis direct surgical decompression or drainage decompression. Preventive measures uremic pericarditis is suspected patients, especially precordial pericardial friction sound heard and patients, the use of low molecular weight heparin or no heparin dialysis.
6. Hemolysis
More from dialysate disorders and dialysis machine malfunction caused if the dialysate permeability, temperature, chlorine and chloramines or nitrate content is too high, the other also found abnormal blood transfusion, disinfectant residues. Acute hemolysis occurs when the patient back to the blood vein pain, chest tightness, palpitations, shortness of breath, irritability, may be associated with severe back pain and abdominal cramps, severe chills, chills, decreased blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, blood-red urine protein and even coma. Hypotonic dialysate caused by water intoxication can occur simultaneously or cerebral edema. Small and slow performance of hemolytic anemia will only increase.
7. Air Embolism
Due to the dialysis machine has perfect control measures, air embolism rarely occurs, and more from operational errors or pipeline damage caused.
Over time into 5ml air embolism can cause obvious symptoms, the main cause of cerebral embolism when sitting, lying is a major cause of pulmonary hypertension and acute left ventricular failure, also can occur coronary thrombosis or cerebral embolism, physical examination, smell and heart stirring sounds.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

What Are The Disadvantages of End Stage Renal Failure With Dialysis ?

Dialysis for end stage renal failure patients is commonly used as a replacement therapy, many patients do not want to be the reason why dialysis, because dialysis has some shortcomings, uremia dialysis disadvantages as follows:
1.Once uremic patients beginning dialysis treatment is stopped, you will probably need to rely on life-sustaining kidney dialysis, you can not get rid of. With frequent dialysis, Kuang fee will gradually lose kidney function.
2. Although hemodialysis to eliminate harmful substances in the blood, the body to correct electrolyte and acid-base balance. But, after all, is a hemodialysis dialysis installation, does not completely replace the human body itself renal excretion and conditioning functions. Since hemodialysis only 12-15% of the body eliminate metabolic waste and toxins, far less than the purpose of purifying the blood.
3.Long-term stop dialysis, patients will present a series of complications, the patient touches the body's systems. Such as concurrent cardiovascular diseases, infections, anemia and other symptoms present.
4. With the further deterioration of renal disease patients on hemodialysis each stop time will be longer, increasing frequency, it will decrease the formation of renal units, so that the patient recovered renal function increases the Difficulty. And economically responsible will be heavier.

What Harm Will Bring Long-term Dialysis

Hazards of long-term dialysis are the following:
A long-term dialysis disequilibrium syndrome is associated with
Disequilibrium syndrome is a common complication of acute. Severe high blood urea nitrogen hyperlipidemia patients beginning dialysis prone to headaches, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, seizures, severe cases coma.
Second, long-term dialysis is associated with the pipeline coagulation
Dialysis tubing coagulation often start in the vein filter net, in the blood due to various causes precipitation of fibers of the filter pores blocked, so that the blood gradually solidified, severe piping can be extended to the whole dialysis.
Coagulation often occur in dialysis 1h later manifested as venous pressure continued to rise to> 100mmHg, blood pump is still not even close down, indicating that the filter has been venous blood clots blocking blood pump should be closed at this time, blocking blood flow pipes, replacement veins strainer or all of the dialysis tubing.
Cause coagulation many reasons, such as insufficient amount of heparin, low blood pressure, blood flow per minute <100ml, intravenous tubing or when connected to the blood in the veins dialyzer filters at the dead time is too long, the filter of a foreign body or dialyzer aging. In addition, by intravenous injection of certain drugs, such as promethazine, hypertonic glucose will trigger clotting. Patients with systemic due to infection, thrombocytosis, blood concentration, drug allergy caused by hypercoagulable state, should be paid.
Third, the long-term dialysis is associated with air embolism
Air embolism is a certain amount of air into the blood vessels, these gases mixed with the blood, body fluids reach foamy right heart and pulmonary artery, impairing blood that can lead to heart failure, severe can lead to death. Have proved 6ml air into rabbits after intravenous, rabbit occurs within minutes of death. Foreign reports, with the dog doing animal experiments, calculated by weight 5ml/kg to intravenous injection of air, the dog soon died. Described above, when a lot of air into the venous air embolism is formed, it can endanger the patient's life. In hemodialysis, the blood pump combined with a pressure, improper handling during operation, can cause air embolism.
Clinical observation and nursing through practice, we understand that in order to avoid and reduce complications in dialysis, such as hypotension, disequilibrium syndrome, convulsions and accident, air embolism, endoleak, coagulation occurs, you should pay attention to the following aspects:
1, to protect the dialyzer.
2, to strengthen the management of water treatment equipment.
3, master dialysis time and the amount of dehydration.
4, in the whole process of hemodialysis everything strictly aseptic strictly totally enclosed pipe connections.
5, a reasonable amount of heparin used.
6, strict flushing pipes.
7, and properly handle the patient's medication, monitor the coagulation status.

Monday 10 June 2013

The Disadvantages of Dialysis

It is necessary for many patients with renal failure losing kidney functions to treat the disease with dialysis. Dialysis has some advantages like removing waste and excess water, better controlling blood pressure and abdominal cramps and so on. It also has many disadvantages.
The Disadvantages of Dialysis
1. Dialysis takes a lot of time. Generally, to do a dialysis need a few hours, and you can’t move in these hours. Maybe you feel good after dialysis, but the process is suffering. You should do dialysis once in 2 or 3 days, so you can’t go far away from home or travel with your family.
2. The function of dialysis is to remove waste and excess water from blood, so it can’t change your health condition. If there are some other therapeutic treatment methods that may help you to make you healthier, you should have a try. Maybe it will be a new beginning of your life and perhaps you will have a normal life as you want. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapytransplant can help you through repairing your kidney damaged cells and rebuilding your kidney normal structure.
3. One characteristic of dialysis is dependence if your kidney can’t be treated to a normal condition and it’s hard to get rid of. If you begin to do dialysis, maybe you have to continue with it all your life. If you once stop the dialysis during the treatments, your health condition will become worse and worse. Therefore, if there is any better therapeutic method, you should have a try.
4. Dialysis is a complicated process and as a patient, you should know much knowledge about it. If you don’t know much about the food you can eat or some problems you should pay attention to in your life, you health condition will become worse. Some people think that they don’t need to pay attention to anything after they do dialysis. It is completely wrong. You should know more about our bodies and the disease. If you take effective treatments, you can do dialysis with less time or even you will get rid of dialysis completely.
Everyone wants to have a healthy body and live a happy life,and it is not very far from you. It is not terrible to be sick, but it is fearful that you don’t take effective measures after getting the disease.

Saturday 8 June 2013

Why Hemodialysis patients have low blood pressure

Most hemodialysis patients are complicated by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, let's take a look at the majority of hemodialysis hypotension reasons, but mainly has the following number of points;
1 volume deficiency: the majority of hypotension during hemodialysis with an excess of dehydration to the sharp decline in blood volume in a very short period of time excessive ultrafiltration, causing the volume and cardiac output decrease may be due to the appearance of those conditions: (a) the amount of the error estimate for ultrafiltration; (2) more water for dialysis patients and overstatement weight; (3) poor venous vascular access, so that venous hypertension caused increased pressure dialysis, ultrafiltration volume is too more, causing a lack of blood volume, but also more common in dialysis before a blood volume deficiency, such as eating less, low sodium diet, nausea, vomiting, blood pressure medication and vasodilator agents treatment.
(2) long-term use low sodium dialysate: dialysate sodium concentration lower than the plasma, resulting in lower serum sodium, plasma osmolality landing, body fluids into the cell, to hypovolemia.
3 weight gain between dialysis clearly: in the blood beyond the proper amount of timely landing weight before discount more than 5% of body weight, prone to low blood pressure, weight gain between dialysis therefore should be controlled below 4%.
4 blood vessel function unstable dialysis patients: atrial Britain, pericarditis, endotoxin, infection and bleeding easily lead to hypotension.
5 autonomic function disorders
Hypotension caused by excessive ultrafiltration occurs mostly after 1 hour at the beginning of dialysis, ultrafiltration does not add a certain amount of liquid, the dialysis membrane and allergic toxin induced hypotension, then appeared earlier, these elements exist many kinds of , then the timing of hypotension increases.

Friday 7 June 2013

How Long Can Diabetics Sustain on Dialysis

Diabetes in recent years is climbing up quickly as the number one cause of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Diabetics with kidney failure account for a large percentage among all patients who do dialysis. Clinical statistics suggest that Diabetics on dialysis tend to have an average poorer prognosis than others. This could originate from complexity of Diabetes, and the patients need to take some active nursing care and treatments so as to improve their prognosis.
How long on diabetics on dialysis sustain?
USRDS findings in 2004 suggest that 5 year average survival rate for Diabetic Nephropathy patients on dialysis is 15-33.6 percent, which is much lower that in hypertensive kidney failure 42%, glomerularnephritis 53% and other diseases-43%.
Survival rate also differs among those on peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis. According to Heaf research, 2 year morbidity rate among diabetics on PD is higher than those on HD; but in later years, as with residual kidney function decreasing quickly, the advantage of PD disappears. Van Bisssen reports suggest that those who initially do PD and later change to HD after kidney function is totally lost have a higher survival rate than those who have been from the beginning continuously doing HD.
What factors affect prognosis in diabetic kidney failure patients?
For diabetics on dialysis, daily care nursing, the controlling of complications and treatment approaches are the most important aspects that affect prognosis.
﹡Diabetes as a systemic disease often combines other vascular diseases in end-stage kidney failure, for instance, diabetic retinopathy, cardiovascular disease, foot damage, etc. Those who can control blood glucose well with least complications can predict a better prognosis than others.
﹡Long-term insufficiency of dialysis affect prognosis. Metabolic wastes in the body can be categorized into micro, middle and macro molecular ones. Dialysis can only remove the micromolecular substances. In view of long-term, middle and macro molecular wastes can cause dangerous complications to body systems such as brain and heart. That’s why recently blood purification techniques have driven attention to improve life expectancy in kidney failure.
﹡Nursing care also matters. Diabetics with low immunity and high blood glucose make them more prone for infections. Dietary nutrient supplement should be ensured, sodium intake controlled and liquid consumption balance are all important daily care points.
﹡Effective treatment is the most important way to boost life. By way of treating the kidneys and repairing injured kidney tissues, diabetics have chance to improve their kidney condition, relive from complications and improve life expectancy. Treatment from Micro-Chinese Medicine and Immunotherapy bring a chance to treat kidneys, hopefully to reduce dialysis intervals if not started it long, and decrease dialysis intervals for those on years of dialysis.
Learn about end stage renal disease treatment

Creatinine Lowered by 280mg/dl and Dialysis Avoided by Chinese Herbal Medicine

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder which causes multiple cysts to develop in kidneys in groups. Healthy kidneys are made up of millions of nephrons that can excrete metabolic wastes out of the body. Cysts in PKD can enlarge in prolonging course, causing renal ischemia, activating inflammations and impairing healthy functioning nephrons. Accumulating wastes (including creatinine and blood urea nitrogen) occur in middle to advanced stages of PKD, and if this is not treated timely, the patients may enter dialysis or kidney failure stage quickly.
In the treatment of PKD, traditional Chinese herbal medicine has proven its distinctive effects in treatment of PKD, that is, reducing the sizes of the cysts, repairing injured kidney cells and stopping progression of PKD. The patients with high creatinine can naturally lower the level and get away from dialysis through traditional Chinese herbal medicine treatment.
Paveen was diagnosed as Polycystic Kidney Disease five years ago. Hospitalization check-ups indicated blood pressure 170/110mmHg, creatinine 480mmol/l, right kidney 233*110mm and left kidney 250*105mm; polycystic liver was detected from ultrasound tests. The general condition was not good-- by routine anti-hypertension and detoxification treatment, his condition turned better, however, the condition may worsen quickly with cysts enlarging. In such cases, the patient may have to do dialysis or a transplant from conventional treatment point of view.
Traditional Chinese medicine treatment achieved very satisfactory effects in the patient. Chinese herbs control the growth of the cysts and stop progression of the condition: first, active ingredients can increase permeability on cystic walls and draw cystic liquid into blood vessels; second, Chinese medicines can inactivate cystic epithelial cells and stop continuous secretion of cystic liquid. Moreover, Chinese medicine treatment accelerates blood circulation, removes renal ischemia and transport sufficient nutrients for repairing injured kidney tissues. External application of traditional Chinese medicines was given three times per day in the patient. In discharging examination, size of right kidney was reduced to 16cm and left kidney to 17cm. Creatinine was lowered to 200 and BP can be well controlled at 125/85mmHg.
Traditional Chinese medicine is a natural approach for removing the root cause of PKD progression and recovering high creatinine from advanced kidney failure. Please not be depressed, and you may communicate with expert team to get detailed treatment guidance.

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