Friday 22 March 2013

Does Dialysis Mean End Stage Kidney Failure

Does dialysis mean the end of the kidney? Can dialysis recover kidney function for patients with kidney diseases? Those are among the most concerned questions among patients. Now, we need to have a full understanding about dialysis, and also two different types of kidney failure—acute renal failure and chronic kidney failure.
Dialysis can not improve kidney function, instead, it is aimed at relieving complications in kidney disease suffers by removing accumulated toxins in your body artificially.
Normally, our kidneys can filtrate blood, regulate balances of erythrocytes and acid-base and secrete hormones. Failing kidneys can not function as normal so overall metabolism turns into disorder. Complications can be quite severe: for instance, water and sodium retention can result in swelling, high blood pressure and short breath. High blood potassium can result in arrhythmia or even cardiac arrest.
After a general evaluation of your general condition, nephrologists will determine whether to start dialysis or not. However, although complications can be alleviated from dialysis, kidneys can not be improved from it, so patients will become more and more dependent on dialysis over time.
Does dialysis mean End Stage Kidney Failure ?
What your doctors are most concerned about is your actual kidney function, say, GFR. The GFR level can indicate how much of your kidney cells are still working, and how much have been totally atrophied. While controlling your complications with dialysis and other system-targeted medications, nephrologists adopt combined therapies of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Transplant to treat kidney diseases. Target of the treatment is to protect as much healthy kidney cells as possible and repair the damaged kidney cells maximally. By means of this, patients can very likely get rid of dialysis.
Now, we also need to distinguish acute renal failure from chronic kidney failure.
Acute renal failure refers to sudden and sharp kidney function decline in a short time under some acute inducements, including nephrotoxic medications, severe trauma, extensive burns, surgery, massive blood loss, postpartum hemorrhage, sepsis, etc. Patients belonging to this type can present high serum creatinine and overall symptoms such as swelling, dizziness, headaches and so on. If treated timely and properly, acute renal failure can be likely reversed.
Chronic kidney failure usually progresses through long periods of time. Chronic kidney failure is seen in diseases such as Diabetes, high blood pressure, Polycystic Kidney Disease, kidney cysts, nephritis, Nephrotic syndrome, relapsed UTI and so on. Chronic kidney failure patients should be develops gradually but continuously, and is irreversible. Early treatment is crucial in blocking further kidney damage and improving kidney function.
Above all is around the topic" does dialysis mean the end of kidney". For more information related to kidney failure and dialysis, you may leave us an massage or consult online experts directly.
Learn about home remedy  for kidney failure 

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