Saturday 30 March 2013

How To Treat Hemodialysis With Low Blood Pressure

Hemodialysis patients after dialysis can easily produce the symptoms of low blood pressure.
The hemodialysis patients low blood pressure, how to do? The hypotension general to be handled as follows:
(1) to take the head-down.
(2) stop ultrafiltration.
(3) added saline 100ml, or 20% mannitol, or albumin solution, etc..
(4) The processing, such as blood pressure improved gradually restored ultrafiltration; such as blood pressure does not get better, should again be supplemented saline expansion treatment to slow down the blood flow velocity, such as blood pressure remains above treatment quickly reduce required application boost drug treatment is necessary to consider the saline back to the blood stopped hemodialysis.
Hemodialysis patients with low blood pressure, how to do? Hemodialysis for uremic patients, is the fastest and most effective treatment, but prolonged hemodialysis, the patient's body will be more weakness, causing a series of complications. How to dialysis? Course is active conservative treatment with natural immune balance therapy, no pain, no side effects, if appropriate treatment may the uremic patients get rid of dialysis

Can I Stop Peritoneal Dialysis

Peritoneal Dialysis is a dialysis. Also the renal failure patients often use the method, however, if the regular dialysis there will be a lot of side effects, some patients can stop after consultation with the peritoneal dialysis?
Peritoneal dialysis can stop it? Peritoneal dialysis is a more primitive dialysis method, but in recent years there are many improvements, still a place for itself in the blood purification disciplines. Peritoneal dialysis compared with hemodialysis has its own advantages. Peritoneal dialysis, at home, stop, do not demand to go to the hospital in the cost lower than blood dialysis.
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD): dialysate continued to be stored in the abdominal cavity, the change 3-5 times a day, daily poured into the abdominal cavity 1 to 2 liters of dialysis fluid, the patient can be out of bed, as the majority of The patients were able to tolerate, and even be able to participate in ordinary activities or work.
Intermittent peritoneal dialysis: That was one of the first to adopt a peritoneal dialysis available manual cycle machine with reverse osmosis peritoneal dialysis machine automatically adapt to bedridden, mobility or need family-care patients. (1) manual method: each 2 liters of dialysate daily exchange of 8 to 10 times, one hour at a time, into the liquid for 30 minutes, kept for 10 minutes, the solution 10 minutes, 4 to 5 week dialysis day in the day, rest for 2 days, dialysis stopped, the characteristics during dialysis peritoneal dialysate without leaving. (2) application of peritoneal dialysis machine: every 40 liters of fluid volume, 30 minutes AC dialysate, five minutes into the liquid, stay for 15 minutes, the solution 10 minutes of dialysis 10 hours a day, can be used with a good peritoneal dialysis fluid, also available machines reverse osmosis to 30% of the sugar concentrate was diluted to 1.5% of the dialysate.
Continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis: a help of the machine stops peritoneal dialysis method. Save daylight peritoneal dialysate, convergence night bedtime and dialysis machine stop 4 to 5 times dialysis morning the last bag of dialysate remain within the abdominal cavity, to be able to work as usual. Peritoneal Dialysis easy to attack water and electrolyte disorders and acid-base balance, hypotension, pulmonary infection, and chest and abdominal effusion, cardiovascular complications, abdominal complications, disequilibrium syndrome, peritoneal dialysis chronic complications and other adverse repercussions -stage renal failure, the thyrotoxicosis patients should carefully chosen peritoneal dialysis.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Dialysis Life Expectancy

Renal dialysis is a mechanical method of removing waste products and excess fluid from the blood when the kidneys are unable to do so (renal failure). The two forms of dialysis are hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Hemodialysis cycles blood through a machine that filters the blood and returns it to the body cleaned of waste. Peritoneal dialysis cycles fluid into and out of the abdomen using the individual's own abdominal membrane (peritoneum) as a filter.
.Many dialysis with kidney disease patients have a question about Life expectancy on dialysis .
The normal life expectancy of a patient is 3-5 years. It is assumed that if a person is undergoing the treatment for chronic kidney diseases, then the end is near. This is because only someone with the most advanced stage (stage 5) of this disease will be put under the treatment. This stage is also known as End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and recovering from this is virtually unheard of. The mortality rate for patients suffering from ESRD is 22% annually, and this effectively means that surviving beyond 5 years is going to be highly unlikely.
When a person decides to undergo dialysis, it is a conscious decision that he/she must make. The fact is that without dialysis, the patient will not survive for more than a few weeks. The kidneys process the urea in the body and release it in the form of urine, so when the kidneys stop working, urine stops getting released from the body. As a result of this, the vascular system will soon get flooded with liquid, and the heart will be unable to keep up with this added volume. The lungs will also get flooded, and this will result in a lack of oxygen to the brain and to the heart.
Additionally, the kidneys then fail to absorb potassium and phosphorus, causing the heart to beat irregularly, and causing the aorta to harden respectively. The added amount of urea in the body will also lead to toxemia, which will damage the heart, the brain and blood vessels.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

How Much Kidney Function Can You Lose Before You Need Dialysis?

How much kidney function can you lose before you need dialysis? Kidney dialysis is a life-support treatment that uses a special machine to filter harmful wastes, salt, and excess fluid from your blood. This restores the blood to a normal, healthy balance. Dialysis replaces many of the kidney's important functions.
When the kidneys are no longer able to remove enough fluid and waste products from the body, dialysis is required. Sometimes in the case of an acute situation this is only short-term and the kidneys resume their natural function. But in chronic cases, when you get to the fifth stage of this disease, dialysisor a kidney transplant is necessary to prolong life. This is called end-stage renal disease (ESRD). But now doctors, dietitians and scientists have begun to understand how important a role diet is playing to reverse kidney disease before and in some instances, even after it gets to this stage.
Who Needs Kidney Dialysis?
Kidney dialysis is a necessary treatment for people with end-stage kidney disease or permanent kidney failure. You need dialysis if you've lost about 85% to 90% of your kidney function. Temporary dialysis may be needed in some cases.
The kidney dialysis treatment itself usually does not cause any pain or discomfort. However, some patients may develop low blood pressure, which can lead toheadache, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. This usually goes away after a few treatments.
If you are on dialysis, you may also feel like:
You have less energy. Dialysis can cause you to feel tired.
You are depressed. Depression is a common problem among many patients on dialysis, but it can often be treated. Talk to your health care provider if you are feeling depressed.
You may also feel like you have less time to get things done. Kidney dialysis requires strict scheduling and adjustments to lifestyle, which can disrupt your ability to work or enjoy everyday activities. This may be frustrating for you or your family. Counselors may be able to help you cope.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

FSGS effective treat options help you avoid dialysis or kidney transplant

Immunotherapy in  kidney disease hospital is the most effective treatment for FSGS, which can help kidney disease patients cut off the pain caused by dialysis and kidney transplant.
In children and some adults, FSGS presents as a nephrotic syndrome, which is characterized by edema (associated with weight gain), hypoalbuminemia (low serum albumin, a protein in the blood), hyperlipidemia and hypertension (high blood pressure). In adults it may also present as kidney failure and proteinuria, without a full-blown nephrotic syndrome. Some researchers found SuPAR as cause of FSGS. It is a serious kidney disease with declining of the kidney function. Usually, patients will choose long-term dialysis or kidney transplant to solve this problem.
Compared with long-term dialysis and kidney transplant, Immunotherapy has some obvious advantages as follow:
1. It is much safer than dialysis and kidney transplant, no need to match blood types, no side effects.
2. Good effects in treating terminal kidney disease
Immunotherapy are primitive cells in human body and they have remarkable potentials of differentiation and regeneration. They can not only regenerate themselves through cell division but also differentiate into tissues or organs or specific cells in the kidneys. They can repair the intrinsic cells in kidneys.
3. less cost than kidney transplant or long-term dialysis
FSGS is a kidney disease difficult to treat. What is more, FSGS patients have bad prognosis. So both patients and doctors need patience and perseverance, we believe we can defeat FSGS if only we stand together

Saturday 23 March 2013

Immunotherapy Treat Kidney Disease Other Than Dialysis

Why we can not get a good effect after having tried many therapies in treating kidney disease? why does kidney disease relapse easily? That is because we don't find the reason of kidney disease. so in this step, we should find out the harmful substances which cause damage to kidneys, which part of our kidney is damaged, is glomerulis or renal tubules? Our hospital has brought the most advanced equipment to do the special tests, like lymphocyte subsets which can judge patient's immune function; toxins in urine, which can tell us what kinds of toxins are accumulated in patient's body. These toxins may contain uric acid, creatinine, b2-microglobulin, CYS-C, retinol binding protein, homocysteine, parathyroid hormone. If patients have protein in urine, we also can judge which type of protein it is by urinary protein electrophoresis, then we can offer proper treatment schedule.

Because your renal function has reduced a lot. That is the reason why creatinine is high since it can not discharge the toxin natually. Too much toxin deposits in his body. This step aims to clear the harmful substances (containing micromolecule substances, middle molecular substances, and macromolecules) with the help of many kinds of blood purification equipment, like immunosprption technics, plasma exchange,hemofusion, CRRT and so on. Then the further damage to our kidneys and other organs can be stopped. Your son has got aneurysma on his arm, this is due to long time of dialysis, which may due to some thrombus. Now how about his another arm? Hence, dialysis should not be long time sustain.

The above steps of treatment only aim at the harmful substances in our blood, and has no effect on the harmful substances deposited in kidneys, because there are specific attachment region on the face of kidneys, so when the harmful substances move to kidneys with the blood circulation, they will deposit in kidney, and cause imflammatory reaction. Therefore, you can see proteinuria. So in this step,we will use some specific immunosuppressive agents to block the reaction. But in western medicine, immunosuppressive agents are also adopted commonly, why it can not get a good therapeutic effect, the reason is that the kinds and quantity of harmful substances are not known, so doctors are often not sure the dose of medicine.

During this step of treatment, we will solve the deposition of harmful substances in kidneys. When our kidney is damaged, the blood flow volume in kidneys will reduce, so our hospital will use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to increase the blood flow volume in kidneys. You may have heard of Chinese medicine (Chinese herbs) before. Here only a simple affix “Micro-“is added before it, but it means a lot improvement in treating kidney disease. Traditional Chinese herbs are oral medicine. Firstly, they burden the kidneys, because the kidney is the organ responsible for filtrating fluid. Secondly, most of Chinese herbs decoction is bitter to drink. Many patients cannot bear them. Lastly, the rate of sorption by kidneys is very low, for it arrives at renal lesions through many tracts, such as digestive tract and gastrointestinal tract.

Renal Failure Patient Don't Dialysis Will Die ?

The kidney is indispensable for the vital organs of the human body, once suffering from renal failure is a very serious problem, many patients asked to renal failure, dialysis will die? This issue we have to take seriously, and not dialysis for kidney failure will die?Jingdong Sino-US Hospital expert answers made ​​below, we together look.
Renal failure disease course, terrible, but the correct treatment can be cured. No matter what the disease, if untreated, late will have serious consequences. Currently, many patients with renal failure renal failure patients in addition to the dialysis no longer viable count, it is not true for patients with renal failure, dialysis is not the best method of treatment.
Dialysis is how is it? Him like a machine kidney instead kidneys work, renal failure in patients with creatinine quickly reduce the patient's own kidneys for a long time without the waste slowly shrinking, so dialysis times will become more and more intensive , costs will continue to increase, of course, can not be avoided dialysis complications, and greatly reduces the quality of life of patients with renal failure. Then mentioned that the dialysis times more than the number of direct affect the difficulty of late Chinese medicine treatment of conservative treatment.
Then kidney failure dialysis is not going to die? Long as renal failure in patients with creatinine within 1300umol / L, 24-hour urine volume more than 1200ml and dialysis, the number is still less than 10 times, Hospital Nephrology independent research and development "of natural immune balance therapy "treatment of renal failure, integrative medicine, treating the symptoms.
This method to pass kidney meridians, blood circulation, kidney function is activated for the purpose, to promote and improve the already shrinking necrosis kidney microcirculation, accelerate lesions kidney metabolism, give full play to the role of the active ingredient in the drug, to repair damaged glomerular enhanced glomerular reabsorption, restore the the kidney normal physiological function, and so naturally to normal serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, kidney failure will be treated .

Dialysis And Constipation

Hemodialysis patients due to the decrease in physical activity, restrictions on drinking water as well as uremia, intestinal peristalsis bad reasons often lead to constipation.
Should analyze the cause of constipation, treatment for different causes. Functional constipation is caused due to the frequent use of laxatives, the phasing out of laxatives, laxatives may interfere with normal defecation reflex.
 Patients themselves should develop regular bowel habits, in order to establish a good defecation reflex. If eat too little, too fine, the lack of food residue and other reasons, in terms of diet, to try to eat more appropriate adjustments to the food varieties to increase with the cellulose more vegetables, fruits and other food, proper drinking water.
If this does not relieve the constipation will only be considered where appropriate apply laxatives. Dry stools induration and defecation weakness, be the first selection of rhubarb, dry stools difficult to discharge temporary oral glycerol or liquid paraffin the 10ml, either lubrication stool, and promote peristalsis. Some hyperosmolar laxatives can be non-dialysis therapy for renal failure patients, dialysis who only occasionally use once more than seven days without defecation available mannitol flush once taking still valid, subject to the enema.

Friday 22 March 2013

Does Dialysis Mean End Stage Kidney Failure

Does dialysis mean the end of the kidney? Can dialysis recover kidney function for patients with kidney diseases? Those are among the most concerned questions among patients. Now, we need to have a full understanding about dialysis, and also two different types of kidney failure—acute renal failure and chronic kidney failure.
Dialysis can not improve kidney function, instead, it is aimed at relieving complications in kidney disease suffers by removing accumulated toxins in your body artificially.
Normally, our kidneys can filtrate blood, regulate balances of erythrocytes and acid-base and secrete hormones. Failing kidneys can not function as normal so overall metabolism turns into disorder. Complications can be quite severe: for instance, water and sodium retention can result in swelling, high blood pressure and short breath. High blood potassium can result in arrhythmia or even cardiac arrest.
After a general evaluation of your general condition, nephrologists will determine whether to start dialysis or not. However, although complications can be alleviated from dialysis, kidneys can not be improved from it, so patients will become more and more dependent on dialysis over time.
Does dialysis mean End Stage Kidney Failure ?
What your doctors are most concerned about is your actual kidney function, say, GFR. The GFR level can indicate how much of your kidney cells are still working, and how much have been totally atrophied. While controlling your complications with dialysis and other system-targeted medications, nephrologists adopt combined therapies of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Transplant to treat kidney diseases. Target of the treatment is to protect as much healthy kidney cells as possible and repair the damaged kidney cells maximally. By means of this, patients can very likely get rid of dialysis.
Now, we also need to distinguish acute renal failure from chronic kidney failure.
Acute renal failure refers to sudden and sharp kidney function decline in a short time under some acute inducements, including nephrotoxic medications, severe trauma, extensive burns, surgery, massive blood loss, postpartum hemorrhage, sepsis, etc. Patients belonging to this type can present high serum creatinine and overall symptoms such as swelling, dizziness, headaches and so on. If treated timely and properly, acute renal failure can be likely reversed.
Chronic kidney failure usually progresses through long periods of time. Chronic kidney failure is seen in diseases such as Diabetes, high blood pressure, Polycystic Kidney Disease, kidney cysts, nephritis, Nephrotic syndrome, relapsed UTI and so on. Chronic kidney failure patients should be develops gradually but continuously, and is irreversible. Early treatment is crucial in blocking further kidney damage and improving kidney function.
Above all is around the topic" does dialysis mean the end of kidney". For more information related to kidney failure and dialysis, you may leave us an massage or consult online experts directly.
Learn about home remedy  for kidney failure 

Thursday 21 March 2013

Diet Of Creatinine 17.07 With Dialysis

My mother of 64-year-old, anemia, and only 5 grams, Creatinine 17.07, discovered in August 2007, have high blood pressure, frequent vomiting, edema. Urine, loss of appetite and food intake. Leg weakness, and stones. Chest tightness.. clogged. what can eat food with peritoneal dialysis ? Hemodialysis can be cured high Creatinine?
You mother is now in stage 5 renal failure, renal fibrosis scarring stage. Various pathogenic factors leading to impaired renal intrinsic cells, the release of a series of induced renal toxicity inflammatory cytokines and growth factors activate into fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, caused by the imbalance of collagen synthesis and degradation in the kidney function, eventually prompted a large number of extracellular matrix accumulation and accumulation in kidney tissue, regulate detoxification function abnormal accumulation decreased, creatinine, urea nitrogen, uric acid and other toxins in the body, the digestive system edema, triggering a series of clinical symptoms. Enema treatment is symptomatic drop creatinine in the treatment of kidney intrinsic pathological damage repair meaningless.
Hemodialysis patients to ensure a high-sugar diet, carbohydrates are the body's main heating source, and its decomposition products of water and carbon dioxide can be discharged from the lungs and skin, without increasing the burden on the kidneys. High-carbohydrate foods can prevent uremic acidosis, reduce the decomposition of protein in the body, make the transfer of potassium from the extracellular to intracellular. So the blood of dialysis patients should adopt a high-sugar diet, daily supply sugars 300 to 450 grams. Such as flour and rice, lotus root starch is the best high-sugar foods. Peritoneal dialysis a semipermeable membrane of the body's natural - peritoneal in vivo blood purification.
 Patients can complete the entire dialysis process operating at home without hospitalization. It has: simple, economic, safety, effectiveness and advantages. The key to the treatment is based on the timely removal of toxins from the body, repairing damaged kidney inherent cells, blocking the development of renal fibrosis, progress and repeatedly to prevent disease progression and reduce complications and improve quality of life

Does Creatinine 4 Need Dialysis ?

Does creatinine 4 need dialysis ?Patients usually require dialysis when the waste products in their body become so high that they start to become sick from them. The level of the waste products usually builds up slowly. Doctors measure several blood chemical levels to help decide when dialysis is necessary. The two major blood chemical levels that are measured are the "creatinine level" and the "blood urea nitrogen" (BUN) level. As these two levels rise, they are indicators of the decreasing ability of the kidneys to cleanse the body of waste products.
Going on dialysis is a complex issue. It is a decision made between you and your doctor, but basically it's mostly up to you. In part it depends on how you feel. Some people feel awful at a creatinine . of 4, while some leave it too late (like me) and don't go on until they hit 8 or 9. It also depends on how much fluid you are retaining. If you can't void any more, you will need dialysis or you will drown in your own fluids. So you may feel fine, but your kidney may lose the water filtration function. In addition your potassium balance also plays a part. While there are remedies like kayexalate (a substance you take to help bind potassium) at some point the potassium issue may force dialysis too.
I think it is better to start dialysis while you have some kidney function because it makes the transition easier. If you Wait until "kidneys finally stop working altogether" before starting dialysis it will be much harder on your body.
The hardest way to start dialysis is to show up at a hospital on death's door and have dialysis that night after the placement of a catheter. If you are seeing a clear trend of diminishing kidney function you should prepare for dialysis by having a a/v fistula created. The hope is that it will mature by the time you have to have your first treatment and you will be able to start treatment without ever having a catheter.

Is dialysis the destiny of kidney failure patient?

For kidney failure patients, usually, they will choose dialysis to support daily life. But do you think dialysis is the destiny of kidney failure patients? No, in fact, dialysis can not help you cure your kidney disease, what is more, there are some disadvantages lies in dialysis.
Side effects of dialysis for renal failure patients
Dialysis patients are at risk of a sudden drop in blood pressure (hypotension), due to the stress the cardiovascular syImmunotherapy is under from regular hemodialysis.
As mentioned on other pages, dialysis patients are generally more susceptible to infection. The access point should be kept clean, and any sign of infection (redness, itching, or other problems) watched for. Peritonitis with its associated flu-like symptoms, is also a possibility.
Cramps, Nausea and Headaches
These flu-like symptons are sometimes experienced by hemodialysis patients. The water quality in the dialyzer, the composition of the dialyser itself, the dialysate composition, and the rate of filteration can all cause problems, which can be reduced by adjusting the dialysis perscription.
Immunotherapy for kidney failure patients
Immunotherapy is new brand technology for renal failure patients, compared with dialysis, Immunotherapy has no side effects no pain and without surgery. Clinic data has showed that Immunotherapy is the only treatment which can help kidney failure patients. The successful rate can as high as 60%.

Avoid Dialysis in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) by chinese medicine

Patients with PKD develop numerous fluid-filled cysts in their kidneys. The cysts can enlarge continuously, oppress surrounding renal tissues and cause chronic kidney failure. Dialysis is an artificial way to remove toxins so as to make patients survive. However, dialysis can not improve the kidney and kidney function still declines continuously.
A genetic kidney disorder as PKD is, there is usually more than one PKD suffer in a family. As the cysts and kidneys enlarge, abdominal mass becomes more and more apparent. Oppression of the cysts to the kidneys can result in renal ischemia and lead to high blood pressure. Usually hypertension occurs before there is abnormal kidney function. Patients can experience aggravated flank pain, blood in urine and combined urinary tract infections when cysts are ruptured. Combined kidney stones and liver cysts are also not rare in the developing course of PKD.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy mainly contains Micro-Chinese medicine and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmosis device. Experts in our hospital will elaborately choose some certain Chinese traditional medicine according to patients’ illness condition and then these medicine will be superfinely shattered, so it’s so tiny that it can permeate into renal lesion by an external application on kidney region with the help of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmosis device. So it’s safer and more effective, more direct. After entering the kidney lesion, through dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation and degrading extracellular matrix, the ingredients of Micro-Chinese Medicine blocks renal fibrosis, the root cause of polycystic kidney disease, make the renal cyst of the polycystic kidney patients shrink and disappear, and repair the damaged renal inherent cells, so as to control the patients’ illness conditions.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Why Hemodialysis Patients Have Low Blood Pressure

Majority of hemodialysis patients are complicated by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, here we take a look at the blood dialysis hypotension why most but mainly has the following number of points;
1.Lack Hypovolemia : hypotension during dialysis majority with an excess of dehydration, so that blood volume sharply landing concerned within a very short time, an excess of ultrafiltration, causing the stroke volume and the output decreased, those conditions may be due to the emergence of:
(1) error ultrafiltration volume measure;
(2) dialysis patients reporting more weight for more than water;
(3) vascular access for poor venous, venous hypertension in positive caused the dialysis pressure increased ultrafiltration volume is too more, causing a lack of blood volume, but also more common in dialysis prior to blood volume lack, such as eating less sodium diet, nausea, vomiting, blood pressure medication and blood vessels to dilate and treatment.
2.Long-term use of low-sodium dialysate: dialysate sodium concentration lower than the plasma, resulting in lower serum sodium, plasma osmolality landing, body fluids into the cell, so hypovolemia.
3. Dialysis weight gain clear: timely in blood the amount of weight landed beyond the applicable discount more than 5% of the body weight before, prone to low blood pressure, increased body weight should be controlled below 4% between dialysis.
4. Unstable blood dialysis patient's vascular function: room Britain, pericarditis, endotoxin, infection and bleeding easily lead to hypotension.
Autonomic nervous function obstacles
Most of the ultrafiltration caused by excessive hypotension occurred in 1 hour after dialysis beginning, in the ultrafiltration certain amount without additional liquid, due to the dialysis membranes and allergic toxin-induced hypotension, occur earlier, more than the number of kinds of elements at the same time there , the timing of hypotension

Chinese Medicine Treatment for MPGN Avoid Dialysis

Before we talk about how chinese medicine helps MPGN patients avoid dialysis, let’s figure out the following items.
1. definition of MPGN
MPGN is short for Mesangial Proliferative Glomerular Nephritis, which is caused by an abnormal immune response. Deposits of antibodies build up in a part of the kidneys called the glomerular basement membrane. This membrane helps filter waste and extra fluid from the blood.
2. Symptoms of MPGN
The changes in this membrane lead disrupt the body's ability to filter urine. Protein and fluid leak out of the blood vessels into body tissues, leading to swelling (edema). Nitrogen waste products may build up in the blood (azotemia) because of poor kidney functioning. Symptoms can include: 1) Blood in the urine; 2) Dark urine (smoke, cola, or tea colored); 3) Cloudy urine; 4) Decrease in urine volume; 5) Swelling of any part of the body; and, 6) Changes in mental status such as decreased alertness or decreased concentration.
3. prognosis of MPGN
If kidney fails, waste will stay in the body. Over time, dialysis must be applied to clear away the toxins. MPGN may present in several forms. It may be seen as acute nephritic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome, or an abnormal urinalysis without symptoms.
Possible complications of MPGN include: 1) Acute renal failure; 2) Acute nephritic syndrome; 3) Nephrotic syndrome; and, 4) Chronic renal failure. Generally, after 10 years, dialysis may eventually be required to manage kidney failure.

Chinese medicine for help and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has been worked out in our hospital. This therapy is an external applicant. The Chinese herbs are super-finely shattered, put into little bags and taken under the back of patients. With the help of devices and penetrating fluid, the herbs ingredients can be permeated into the kidney lesion.
The Chinese medicine can degrade the deposit sediment and discharge them from the body through dilating blood vessels and accelerate blood vessels. Furthermore, patients can see the effect only after two weeks’ treatment for they can find some floc substances in their urine which is the deposit sediment. If you want to have an effective treatment from the root, you can have a try for MPGN and you will get a good effect.

Why Creatinine is still High after Dialysis

Why creatinine is still high after dialysis?
If you have a very high serum creatinine level, you may experience overall problems such as weakness, fatigue, headache, swelling, high blood pressure, skin itching and so on, for which nephrologists may advise to start dialysis. And indeed, your systemic metabolic state can be relieved and creatinine level can be lowered immediately after dialysis. However, the result is a little frustrating because your creatinine increases later, for which you have to initiate dialysis again. What is the reason for it? How to lower creatinine more fundamentally and effectively?
Our kidneys are made up of millions of tiny units that can normally filtrate blood, secrete hormones and excrete wastes so as to maintain stable physiological state. If kidneys are severely impaired, creatinine will build up in the body. All in all, creatinine elevation indicates damaged kidney filtration system, so the only way to lower creatinine effectively is to repair your damaged kidneys.
Dialysis is targeted at removing deposited toxins rapidly with artificial filters. With toxins eliminated, patients can feel remitted conditions. However, your own kidney filtration system can not be improved from it. Wastes will pile up in your body again and another dialysis is needed later.
Stem cell transplant to lower creatinine and repair your kidneys
Stem cell transplant is an effective and biological therapy in the treatment of kidney diseases. Stem cells are unmatured original cells that can self-renew and update types of renal intrinsic cells. More and more new healthy kidney cells can be replenished to the kidneys and kidney function can be gradually improved. By this, kidney filtration system can be refreshed and serum creatinine can be lowered down.
Functioning of stem cells requires certain blood circulation in kidneys, so Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is adopted before and after stem cell transplant. Nephrologists recommend early treatment for kidney disease patients because cell therapy also can not act on kidney lesions if there exist no kidney function at all.
The above is around the topic" why creatinine is still high after dialysis". Anything unclear, you may emial us or consult online experts directly.

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